Fumigate for Fleas

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Fleas are a parasitic nuisance that quickly take over a home. Defeating an infestation takes a lot of home maintenance. You will need to vacuum flooring and upholstery every other day for up to a month. Steam clean and apply a pesticide to disrupt flea growth. Treat your pets with anti-flea products and by washing the areas where they sleep. For persistent infestations, call a professional for fumigation.


Fumigating with Gas

  1. Inspect your home for the presence of wild animals. Sometimes a wild animal may get inside or near your home. Check attics, basements, crawl spaces, and porches. Any hairy, warm-blooded animal, from rats to racoons, can introduce more fleas to your home. Remove pests and seal hiding spots before attempting to fix the flea problem.[1]
  2. Research fumigation laws in your area. Fumigation is likely regulated by your government. The process involves highly toxic gasses. It is always best to seek the help of a professional. They will seal your home and make it into a safe environment free of both fleas and pesticides.
  3. Move your family out of the area. Anything alive must be removed from the fumigation area. This includes pets and plants as well as family. Do not allow anyone to breathe in the pesticides. Wait until the gasses dissipate before reentering the area.[2]
  4. Seal or remove food and furniture. The gas will taint food, medicine, or other products that you consume. Seal them inside metal or plastic containers. Mattresses and pillows can also absorb chemicals, exposing you to them even after your home is deemed safe. If you can’t remove something, seal it inside a gas-resistant plastic bag.
  5. Open all doors in your home. Closets, cupboards, drawers, cabinets, and safes should all be opened. If an object has a door on it, open it. This will allow the gas into the dark, closed areas where fleas like to hide. Be safe and open every area that you can.
  6. Tent the area to be fumigated. During fumigation, the area to be treated is sealed off by a tarp. Professional exterminators will do this for you. The gas fumigants should not be able to escape this area. Make sure all ventilation strips are closed tightly on the tarp.[3]
  7. Spray gas into the tarp. The tarp may have a pump that allows gas to be safely pumped through from the outside. Another option is industrial fog machines. Cold fog machines work best for indoor areas and spread pesticides in small droplets. Wear a gas mask before using a fog machine inside the sealed area.
  8. Wait a few days for fumigation to finish. After the pesticides are in place, they will be left alone for a day or two. At this point, severe infestations should be neutralized. Use a handheld air quality detector to monitor the safety of your environment.
  9. Ventilate the area. Even after you are allowed back into your home, gas may still linger. Keep doors and windows open. Turn on fans. Allow the air circulate until your home is free of smells or chemical concerns.

Treating Your Pet for Fleas

  1. Bathe your pets to eliminate fleas. Treat your pet for both dead and live fleas with a bath at least once a week. Choose a flea control shampoo and use it to thoroughly scrub and rinse out your pet’s coat. Untreated pets will reintroduce fleas to your home, so take care of them too.[4]
  2. Comb your pet between baths. Get a flea comb from a pet supply store. Use the comb to groom your pet regularly. Fleas love gathering around the pet’s neck and tail. Any living fleas you find can be disposed of in hot, soapy water.[5]
  3. Treat your pet with anti-flea protection products. Products for flea resistance come from pet supply stores or your veterinarian. Some products, such as CapStar, are pills for your pet to swallow. Others, such as Frontline Plus, are chemicals you apply to the back of your pet’s neck. Follow the directions on the label to keep your pet safe and protected for a month or more.[6]
    • These products are typically less toxic than flea shampoos and powders. Make sure these products and shampoos are compatible before using them together.
    • When in doubt, ask your veterinarian for advice. They can provide a treatment plan as well as one of these products.
  4. Wash and dry pet beds weekly. Of course, wherever your pet lives is an environment for fleas. Beds, blankets, and couch cushions all must be kept clear. Vacuum them out, then wash them out with hot water to exterminate any fleas.[7]

Ridding Your Home of Fleas and Eggs

  1. Steam clean carpeting. Rent or buy a steam cleaner from a home improvement store or chain pet store. Run the steam cleaner over the floor in your home. Also clean upholstery with a stiff brush attachment. The heat from the steam cleaning will take out adult fleas.[8]
  2. Vacuum your home thoroughly. Vacuum up pet hair, skin cells, and flea feces. Fleas will appear in any area where your pet has been. They are often found in carpeting, on upholstery, on furniture, and cracks in floorboards. Make sure you get in shaded areas, such as under beds and near walls.[9]
    • A beater bar attachment can help dig into carpeting and dislodge flea eggs.
  3. Empty out your vacuum bag. Disposable vacuum bags work best since you don’t have to risk letting loose living fleas. For normal bags, go far away from your house before emptying the bag.[10]
  4. Apply a pesticide to the carpeting. Look for products that claim to be growth regulators. Good flea control sprays may have a chemical such as methoprene or pyriproxyfen. Follow the directions on the label to spread the chemical over carpeting and furniture. You’ll need to keep pets and family members away until the chemical dries.[11]
    • These chemicals may also work outdoors and can be used to eliminate flea colonies in your yard.
    • Some bug bombs may also help with fleas. These products work like gas fumigants. Be careful when using them and continue to treat your home by washing and vacuuming.
  5. Repeat vacuuming every other day. After steam cleaning, it’s important for you to vacuum every other day for up to a month. Even a good pesticide cannot eliminate all the fleas. Eggs will continue to hatch and remaining fleas may repopulate. Regular vacuuming agitates fleas so they hatch faster and expose themselves to the pesticide you used.[12]


  • If you start to feel nauseous, dizzy, or otherwise ill after fumigation, go to the hospital.

Sources and Citations

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