Carve an Egg

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Blowing out the yolk of an egg and carving the empty shell is a very old folk art form that you can learn. Practice with some simple tools and patience to make great decorations for the holidays. See Step One for more specific instructions.


  1. Remove the egg and yolk gently using an egg blower.
  2. Wash well with cleaner to kill any surface contaminants. Let the egg dry well.
  3. Draw your design very lightly in pencil. Plan to leave attachments as you would in a stencil or the entire design will "cave in".
  4. Carve away the design using a hand held mini power tool with a fine bit. An elongated diamond tip is best.
  5. Holding the egg in your non dominant hand firmly but gently, pierce the shell and begin to remove the pattern. Go slow and be prepared for breakage. Have other blown eggs available.
  6. Finished.



  • There are some coatings that can be applied to the inside of the egg to strengthen it.
  • Wear vinyl gloves when handling the egg.
  • Wear a ventilation mask, as egg dust may contain salmonella.
  • You can find egg holders in any place that sells Ukrainian egg supplies. Remember that you are using a hollow egg which can be very fragile.


  • Use a respirator or mask to protect your lungs.

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