Live the Best Life You Can

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Feeling happy and content with your life is something that we all strive for. In order to achieve that feeling, you want your life to be the best that it can be. What that means to you is something personal. In order to live your best life, you'll want to figure out what matters the most. Once you do that, you can figure out a way to reach your goals and increase your happiness.


Being Healthy

  1. Work on your mental health. Your mind is as important as the rest of your body, and it's important that you practice good mental health. This includes meeting your emotional needs. Feeling emotionally well can help you see positive changes in the rest of your life. You can improve your mental health by surrounding yourself with people that you trust and making sure that you are comfortable in your surroundings.[1]
    • If you are experiencing unpleasant emotions, such as sadness or loneliness, it is possible that seeing a mental health professional would be useful. Find a reputable counselor in your area.[1]
    • Try planning something fun to do at least once a week. This could be as simple as arranging a standing coffee date with a good friend. Having something to look forward to can really help you feel more mentally balanced.
  2. Learn to handle stress. Stress is one of the biggest problems people face when trying to improve their mental health. Try finding coping mechanisms to use when you are in a difficult situation, such as taking deep breaths or counting to ten.[2]
    • Get organized. Keeping a to-do list or calendar can be a great way to manage your hectic life. Try this method to ease the stress of your busy life.
  3. Get physically fit. Taking care of your body is crucial for overall health. People who are more physically fit are generally happier and have lower rates of stress. Take good care of yourself by eating a heathy diet and getting regular exercise.[3]
    • Get moving. Joining a gym is a great way to get healthy and interact with other people. Look for one in your neighborhood. Walking is also a great way to get some physical activity each day. Physical exercise can also provide you with a much needed break from work.
    • Eat lots of fruits and veggies. People who eat a balanced diet are less likely to suffer from health problems, such as high cholesterol or diabetes.[4]
  4. Be spiritually healthy. Spiritual wellness means being in tune with your beliefs and values. In order to get in touch with your spiritual side, try to think about what is most important to you, and focus on those things. You can also consider what you believe is your purpose in life.[5]
    • Being spiritual means being mindful. Try using methods such as mediation or yoga to increase your spiritual well being.
  5. Enhance your interpersonal relationships. Your interactions with other people can have a big impact on your well being. Involving yourself in positive relationships can make you feel happier and less stressed. If you have negative people in your life, it can cause you to feel unhappy and unhealthy.[6]
    • If you are in a romantic relationship, make it a priority to improve it. Try spending more quality time with your partner and being more physically affectionate.[7]
  6. Improve other relationships. Your relationships at work are also important to your well being. Try to find common interests with your coworkers to enhance your bond. You can also try volunteering to help them if you notice they are swamped.
    • Focus on your friends and family. Your closest relationships are often with your pals and your relatives. Make sure to schedule time to spend with them.
  7. Increase your intellectual health. You need to strengthen your mind the same way you strengthen your other muscles. Being intellectually healthy means that you challenge and engage your brain. You are curious and like to explore new places and things. [8]
    • Travel to new places. This is one of the best ways to learn new things and stimulate your mind.
    • Do puzzles. There are many things you can do at home to stretch your brain. Try crossword puzzles, Sudoku, or challenging board games.

Making Changes

  1. Start fresh each day. If things aren't going your way, try to take some of the pressure off of yourself. Look at each day as a new beginning. This mindset will help you be able to see the positives in life.[9]
    • Try journaling before bed each night. Writing down your thoughts can help you sleep better and start each day with a clear mind.[10]
  2. Be proactive. In order for your life to change, you need to be the force that drives changes. Being proactive means that you are in charge of your own destiny. You respond to your own choices, not choices made by other people. When you feel in charge of your own life, you will start to feel more comfortable and confident. To be proactive, think about specific actions that you can take to improve your life, and then take them.[11]
    • For example, if you are unhappy with your job, a proactive step to change that would be to update your resume and start applying for new jobs.
  3. Form new habits. If there are parts of your life that you feel are not the best they could be, try to make changes. Maybe you want to improve your physical fitness or maybe you want to save more money. Whatever it is, try making changes in your daily life in order to see big changes. For example, try setting aside $2 a day as a way to start saving more money.[12]
    • A habit typically takes two months to really become part of your routine, so be patient with yourself.
  4. Set goals. Goals are a reflection of your priorities and are concrete ways that you can improve your life. Goal setting can be useful in every area of your life. Having realistic goals can help you visualize the changes you want to see happen.[13]
    • Set both long-term and short-term goals. When you see results from the short-term goals, that will give you the encouragement you need to persevere and make long term changes.
  5. Find your passion. Having a purpose in your life can help you to live the best life possible. Try asking yourself what you would do if you no longer had to worry about money. When you find the answer, you're on your way to find your passion.[14]
    • Follow your curiosity. Your passion is unique to you, but it will definitely be something your find both interesting and challenging. For example, if you love animals, find a way to work with them. You could begin by volunteering at your local shelter.

Enjoying Your Life

  1. Appreciate something each day. Try to put some effort into truly taking pleasure out of your life. One simple way to do this is to choose something to take pleasure in every day. This can be as simple as taking a moment to taste and savor your morning coffee. Or you could make it a habit to spend thirty minutes each day doing something that you truly enjoy.[15]
  2. Avoid comparisons. Try not to measure your life against someone else's. For example, if you are concerned about your finances, try to think of ways to increase your income. This is an action you can take to improve your situation as opposed to thinking about your friend who has a higher paying job and wondering why you can't make that kind of money.[16]
    • When you compare yourself to someone else, you often end up judging yourself unfavorably. Most people compare themselves with those we perceive as having more or being "better."[17] They also tend to compare themselves to an idealized version of that person, ignoring the fact that the other person is human, with flaws and challenges like everyone else.[18]
    • Instead of measuring yourself against others, compare your past and present selves. How have you grown in the last year? What can you do today that you couldn't do before?[17]
    • Comparing yourself to another person is like comparing apples to oranges. It is an inaccurate and irrelevant measurement, since everyone is unique.[17] It's as illogical as comparing your swimming ability to a dolphin's.
  3. Go outside. Research tells us that fresh air can have a positive impact on your health, both mental and physical.[19] Try to take some time each day (or week) to spend some time outdoors. You can visit your neighborhood park, or go on a weekend adventure to a nearby state park.[20]
  4. Practice self-acceptance. Focus on your positive traits. If you are overly critical of yourself, it can be hard to find pleasure in your life. Instead, take some time each day to focus on your strengths. Make it a habit to compliment yourself. Try taping a sticky note to your bathroom mirror that reminds you that you are a great person.[21]
  5. Be playful. Embracing your inner child can help you feel like you are living life to the fullest. Try doing something silly, like skipping or turning a cartwheel. Don't be afraid to laugh. You can also make it a habit to joke around with your your friends and family. Your playfulness will likely rub of on them.[22]


  • Surround yourself with people that you truly enjoy.
  • Don't be afraid to be alone with your own thoughts.
  • Participate in activities that you think are fun.
  • If some people aren't being good to you, it's okay to break the ties with them.
  • Whenever you feel stressed,talk to your loved ones,listen to your favorite tunes or read one

Talking to your loved ones can greatly help whenever you feel stressed, but it's okay if you don't want to. A friend, a counselor, hell even a dog can be helpful in stressful times. Also, try to get more sleep and drink more water, it sounds silly but it really does help.

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Sources and Citations

  1. 1.0 1.1
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2

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