Get Rid of Leg Cramps

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Leg cramps, sometimes called charley horses, come on quickly, can last for a few seconds to several minutes, and can be quite painful. While any muscle can spasm or cramp, the muscles that are most commonly involved in leg cramps are the calf muscles in the lower part of the leg, the hamstrings, or the muscles along the back of the thigh, and the quadriceps, found along the front of the thigh. Quickly treating the cramped muscle causes the pain to stop, but sometimes you may need to take additional steps if you have frequent leg cramps.


Getting Immediate Relief

  1. Stretch the cramped muscle. Muscle cramps are sudden and unexpected contractions or spasms of a muscle. To stop the cramp quickly, the cramped muscle needs to be stretched.[1]
    • By stretching the muscle, you are preventing it from remaining in the contracted or cramped position.[2]
    • Stretching a cramped muscle works best if you can hold the stretched position for about a minute, or until the cramp feels better. You may need to repeat the stretched position if you feel the cramp returning.[1]
  2. Try the towel stretch. If you have a towel handy, you can use it to gently stretch your hamstring and calf muscles:[3]
    • Lie down on your back.
    • Place the towel under the ball of one foot. Hold both ends of the towel taut.
    • Keep your knee straight and slowly lift it until you feel a gentle stretch in the back of your leg.
    • Adjust the towel so the ankle bends toward you. This helps stretch your calf muscles and relieve your nerves.
    • Hold this stretch for 30 seconds..
  3. Stretch the calf muscle. If your calf muscle is cramping, there are several stretches you can do without needing a towel or a place to lie down. Here are three of them:
    • Put your weight on the leg that has the cramp, and slightly bend your knee, while keeping your foot flat on the floor.[1]
    • Face a wall, stand a short distance away, and lean against the wall using your hands for support. Keep your cramped leg straight, and the foot and heel on the floor, as you lean your upper body into the wall.[1]
    • Position yourself with your hands on the wall. Place the toe area of your foot, of the leg with the cramping calf muscles, against the wall and your heel on the floor. Keep your leg straight and lean your upper body closer to the wall to stretch the calf muscle.
    • If you are not able to stand, then sit with your cramped leg extended. Pull the top of your foot towards your head and chest area, keeping your leg straight.[1]
  4. Stretch the hamstring muscle. If the towel exercise didn't solve a cramping hamstring, try one of these instead:
    • Sit down and pull your foot towards your head and chest area, keeping your leg straight.[1]
    • Lie on your back and pull your knees to your chest. If someone is available, they can help by gently putting additional pressure on your knees, forcing them a little closer to your chest.
  5. Stretch your quadriceps muscle. Have a chair or wall nearby to steady yourself. Bend the knee of your cramped leg, and grab your foot. Pull your foot up towards your lower back and buttocks area.[1]
  6. Massage the area of your leg that is cramping. Gently massaging the cramped muscle can help it to relax.[1]
  7. Apply heat. Using methods to apply warmth to the area can help the muscle to relax and soothe the pain from the cramp.[1]
    • Methods used to apply heat include using a warm towel, a heating pad, or taking a warm bath or shower. Most people feel relief when warmth is applied to a cramped muscle, plus it improves circulation..[1]
  8. Consider using ice. Some people report benefit with applications of ice to a cramped muscle. Determine what works best for you.[1]
    • Avoid placing the ice directly on the skin. Fill a small to medium sized baggie with ice, and add enough water to barely cover the ice. Squeeze the air out, seal it well, then wrap the baggie with damp towel, and apply it to the area.
    • Another quick option is to use a bag of frozen veggies, like peas or corn. Wrap the package in a damp towel and apply it to the area.

Preventing Leg Cramps

  1. Understand why you are having leg cramps. To prevent future painful episodes, it is helpful to understand what happened that triggered the cramp.[2]
  2. Talk to your doctor. If you have repeated problems with leg cramps, if you are elderly, have diabetes or liver disease, nerve compression caused by problems in your lower back, poor circulation in your legs, or thyroid disease, you may be at greater risk of developing leg cramps.[4]
    • Some medications, like diuretics used to treat high blood pressure, can cause changes in your body that normally keep minerals and electrolytes in balance. Your doctor may be able to adjust your medications to help.
    • Your doctor can help you to treat the underlying problem that is causing your leg cramps.[4]
  3. Adjust your exercise routines. Don’t overdo it. Exercise is important to your overall health, but if you are having leg cramps, then your body is having trouble keeping up with your routine.[2]
    • Adjust your activity to include exercises or activities that use other muscle groups, as your leg muscles adjust to the level of intensity you are working towards.[2]
  4. Shorten your work-out duration. Muscle cramps are more common as the muscles get fatigued, fluids become depleted, and electrolytes in the system may not be adequate. All of these factors can happen simultaneously when your work-outs are lengthy.
    • If you are experiencing frequent leg cramps, shorten the duration of your work-outs. Then develop a system to very gradually increase the length of your exercise routines as your leg muscles become accustomed to the strenuous activity.
  5. Stay hydrated. One of the most common causes of muscle cramps is dehydration during exercise or sporting activities, especially in extreme heat.[2]
    • Increase the amount of water you drink just before, and during your activities. Even drinking water while you are having a cramp can help to relieve it.[1]
    • Water alone may not be enough. During heavy exercise your body is also using electrolytes that need to be replenished. Depleting electrolytes in your body causes muscle cramps.[2]
    • Provide more electrolytes in your system by drinking sports drinks, using salt tablets, and eating more foods that contain electrolytes, such as bananas and oranges.[2]
    • Every person is different, so there is no method to determine the exact amount of each electrolyte you would need to consume in order to prevent leg cramps.
    • As you exercise, and even as your body sweats during warmer weather, your muscles use more electrolytes than normal.
    • If you are experiencing leg cramps while you exercise, then it is likely that your body is using up the available electrolytes, therefore you need to replace them.
    • The easiest way to do this is by drinking a sports beverage that contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. These minerals, or electrolytes, keep your muscles working in a healthy way.
    • Talk to your doctor before using salt tablets. While commonly used by endurance athletes, they may not be the best option for mild to moderate levels of exercise.
  6. Adjust your diet. Eat foods that are rich in minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.[5][6]
    • Examples of foods that are rich in calcium and magnesium include milk, fish, meats, eggs, and fruit.
    • Include foods in your diet each day that contain potassium. Some foods rich in potassium include bananas, fish, avocados, and potatoes.
    • Also be sure to get enough salt in your diet. If the weather is hot, and you are sweating from the warmer temperatures, you may want to consider drinking a sports drink each day that contains electrolytes, including sodium, or sodium chloride.
  7. Stretch before and after you exercise. Stretching those muscles before you begin warms them up, improves blood flow to the area, and improves overall flexibility.[2] This not only helps prevent cramps, but also promotes good posture and healthy joints and spine.
    • Many athletes also swear by stretching after exercise to relieve muscle fatigue and soreness. This may help your muscle tissue to relax, release any unwanted chemicals that might have accumulated during your work-out, and help to provide adequate blood flow to the muscle tissue.[7]
    • While stretching after exercise does not always prevent muscle cramps from happening, it can help to improve the overall health of your muscle tissue.
  8. Anticipate leg cramps from swimming. While swimming is great exercise, it is also a common cause of leg cramps. Take proper safety steps as you start swimming, especially if you do not swim year round, and if you are swimming in colder water.[5]
    • Cold water impairs the circulation to your leg muscles as you swim. Take safety precautions to avoid swimming alone, just in case you should experience a cramp in water where it is too deep to touch bottom.[5]
  9. Stretch before bedtime. Often, leg cramps occur at night. If this is happening to you, then stretch your leg muscles before you go to bed, and be sure you are adequately hydrated.[1]
    • Light exercise just before bed may also help to avoid the leg cramps at night. Take a short walk, or ride a stationary bike for a few minutes prior to going to bed.[1]
  10. Avoid sitting for the majority of the day. Under-conditioned muscles are a cause of recurrent leg cramps.[8]
    • If your job requires sitting, try to take breaks at least every 60 minutes and walk around. Even just standing up and “wiggling” is better than constantly sitting. Walk during your lunch break if possible.[8]

Managing Leg Cramps Associated with Pregnancy

  1. Talk to your doctor about vitamin supplements. If you are frequently experiencing leg cramps during your pregnancy, talk with your doctor to be sure your prenatal vitamin has adequate amounts of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium.[9]
    • Do not make any changes to your vitamin supplement without the advice of your doctor.
  2. Stretch the muscle that is cramping. Your pregnancy is not impacted by stretching muscles that are cramping.
  3. Stretch your calf muscles before bed. In most women, especially during the second and third trimester, nocturnal leg cramps become more common.[9]
    • The calf muscles are the most common muscle group that tends to cramp at night during pregnancy.
    • Stretch your calf muscles each night before bed by standing arm’s length away from a wall, put your hands on the wall, then place one foot behind the other.
    • Gently bend the knee of your leg closest to the wall, and keep your back leg straight with your heel on the floor. Be sure to keep you back and feet straight. Hold this for about 30 seconds.
    • Switch legs and repeat.[9]
  4. Stretch your hamstrings. You can stretch your hamstring by lying on your back, and pulling your knees to your chest. If someone is available, they can help by gently putting additional pressure on your knees, forcing them a little closer to your chest. Be sure to avoid pressure on your abdomen.[1]
  5. Stretch your quadriceps muscle. Have a chair or wall nearby to steady yourself. Bend the knee of your cramped leg, and grab your foot. Pull your foot up towards your lower back and buttocks area.[1]
  6. Choose good footwear. Wear shoes that are comfortable and have good support in the back area of the shoe.[10]
    • According to the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgery, your feet will grow about ½ size during pregnancy, and will likely remain at that size.[10]
    • Shoes recommended during pregnancy include those with good support all around, including adequate support in the heel area for your ankles.
    • Consider purchasing athletic shoes to wear during your pregnancy.[10]
    • Try to avoid wearing shoes with higher heels.[9]
  7. Drink plenty of fluids. Stay well hydrated during your pregnancy.
    • Talk with your doctor about drinking beverages that contain electrolytes, such as sports drinks, if you are in your second or third trimester during the warmer months.[9]

Knowing When to Seek Medical Attention

  1. Contact a medical professional if your cramps persist. Muscle cramps that are severe, recurrent, last more than a few minutes, and are not relieved by stretching warrant medical attention.[2]
  2. Be prepared to answer your doctor’s questions. Your doctor will ask questions to help determine the cause of the cramps.[2]
    • Some of the basic questions will include when the cramps started, how often they occur, how long they last, what muscles are involved, and any recent changes in your level of exercise.[2]
    • You may be asked to provide a list of your current medications, discuss your alcohol intake, and if you have had other symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating, or excessive amounts of urine.[2]
    • Medications can cause changes in your body that may make you more susceptible to leg cramps. For example, some drugs used to treat high blood pressure can alter the way your body handles electrolytes and minerals.[1]
    • Your doctor may draw blood to evaluate for underlying medical problems. Typical blood work done for muscle cramps include tests to evaluate your iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium levels, and how your body handles those substances. Other common tests include kidney function and thyroid function.[2]
    • The exam may also include steps to be sure you have good circulation in your legs.[11]
  3. See your doctor if you have other symptoms. If you have any leg swelling, redness, or changes in the skin around the area where you have the muscle cramps, you should see your doctor.[1]
  4. Talk to your doctor if you have a medical condition. Medical illnesses can put you at higher risk of leg cramps, especially if you alter your exercise routine.
    • Some of these medical conditions include diabetes, liver problems, thyroid disease, obesity, or compressed nerves.[1]


  • Avoid tight clothing, especially around your legs.
  • Wear shoes that are comfortable and provide support.
  • If you are overweight, consider a weight loss program.
  • Sitting comfortably is important, especially if your job requires it. Do some research to be sure your chair is providing good support and does not interfere with proper circulation to your leg muscles.
  • See your doctor if you have ongoing problems. Everybody has leg cramps at one time or another, but if you have them often, talk to your doctor to be sure there is not an underlying medical condition.
  • Stretch your leg up in the air for a few minutes, it helps.

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