Get Energy Fast

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Do you find yourself losing steam midday and struggling to complete your work? Or maybe you just need a quick pick-me-up to finish that 10-page paper that's due tomorrow? There are tons of easy, safe ways to get your energy up fast.


Immediate Energy Boosts

  1. Drink water. Dehydration is a common, easily fixed cause of low energy. Even mild dehydration can sap your energy and affect your ability to think and reason.[1] If you're lacking energy, try drinking a few glasses of water as your first plan of attack.
    • Try to drink water throughout the day, not just when you feel thirsty.
    • Women should aim for 9 cups (72oz) of water daily, men 13 cups (104 oz).[2]
    • Drink more water if you have exercised to replenish what you sweat out, or if you consumed dehydrating beverages, like coffee or soda.
  2. Go for a brisk walk. A 10-minute walk can pump up your energy for up to two hours. The energy bump you get from sugar or caffeine only lasts about an hour and you may suffer a major crash afterwards, leaving you with even less energy than before.[3]
    • Other exercises that can get your energy up in 10 minutes include jumping rope, dancing, climbing stairs, lunges and squats.[4]
    • You don't have to break a sweat to reap the energy benefits of a quick workout. Just getting your body up and moving for 10 minutes can increase energy and boost mood.[5]
  3. Get some sun. Light suppresses the production of Melatonin, a hormone your brain releases to make you feel sleepy. If you're indoors all day in a dark office or classroom, your brain may think it's time to go to sleep and release Melatonin, impacting your energy.[6]
    • Try to spend lunches or breaks outside.
    • If possible, sit by a window when you're indoors so you have some exposure to the sun throughout the day.
    • If you can't get outside during the day or there's very little daylight (like during the shorter winter days), consider purchasing a lightbox. These mimic the effects of daylight and can be used to lift energy[7]
  4. Have a nutritious snack. A combination of complex carbs (i.e. green vegetables, whole-grain bread, oatmeal, yogurt, apples) and protein (i.e. nuts, chicken, eggs, tofu, cheese) can give you the fuel you need without spiking your blood sugar, which can lead to crashing.[8]
    • Carbohydrates are broken down by your body and absorbed into the blood stream to provide energy. The addition of protein slows this process so that your blood sugar remains steady, giving you more energy for longer periods of time.
    • Bananas, apricots, and dates are also easy pick-me-up snacks.
  5. Laugh. Watching a brief, humorous video or reading a comic that makes you chuckle can both decrease tension and increase energy. It may also make you more willing to tackle challenging projects.[9]
  6. Take a 10-20 minute nap. A power-nap around 2 or 3pm can improve cognitive ability, creativity, and memory, and can leave you feeling rested and refreshed. Just don't oversleep or you may end up groggy instead of revitalized.[10]
    • If you have more time, sleeping for 90-minutes will allow you to complete a full REM cycle. You'll get more rest and avoid grogginess.
    • Find somewhere quiet, dark, and away from people, where you have some room to curl up.
    • If there's nowhere nap-worth nearby, try reclining the seat of your car and use an eye mask to block out any light.
  7. Nibble on some dark chocolate. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, both proven energy boosters. Flavonoids, a mood-enhancing antioxidant, can also be found in cocoa. Just remember to enjoy in moderation![11]
    • You can still get results from milk chocolate, but the darker the chocolate, the greater the energy benefits.
    • Stick to straight chocolate bars or squares and avoid chocolates packed with sugary extras like marshmallow, caramel, etc.
  8. Drink a cup of coffee. There's a reason most people turn to coffee to wake them up in the morning--it's packed with caffeine and increases metabolism, energy, and focus. The catch is that these effects peak quickly but can have far-reaching side effects, like preventing you from falling asleep at bedtime, which can impact your energy long-term.[11]
    • Try not to exceed a single cup of coffee in a day, or try smaller, more frequent servings instead of one large cup.
    • Don't sweeten the pot. Adding sugar will spike your blood-sugar and lead you to crash in about an hour.
  9. Listen to music. Listening to uptempo music before you begin work or during breaks can make you feel motivated and more alert. This works best if you pick songs you really enjoy.[1]
    • If you are working on a creative project or complex tasks (like writing a paper, reading, studying for a test), try listening to repetitive "background" music while you work.[12]
    • Do not listen to popular music or music with lyrics while you are working. Your brain will try to process both things at once and it will be more difficult to process the task at hand. Save this kind of music for breaks to reinvigorate yourself.[12]
    • Tapping your toes can provide an extra bump of energy.[4]
  10. Take a deep breath of a stimulating scent, like fresh lemon, lime, or orange. Cinnamon, rosemary, and peppermint can also help improve focus and decrease fatigue.[4]
  11. Take a break. While you may want to plow through your work as quickly as possible, taking a 5-10 minute break can actually provide an immediate shot of energy and increase productivity overall.[13]
    • If you're sitting for most of the day, try taking four 30-second breaks every hour and a 14-minute break after two hours.[13]

Long-term Solutions

  1. Eat a healthy breakfast every day. Just like mom always said, breakfast is too important to skip. It provides fuel to keep you alert throughout the morning and wakes up your metabolism.[8]
    • A breakfast that's high in complex carbs and fiber provides the most effective energy boost. Try foods like high-fiber cereal, multi-grain toast, and oatmeal.[14]
  2. Exercise regularly. Engaging in physical activity for 20 minutes three times a week has been shown to drastically increase energy. You don't have to engage in high-intensity activities like sprinting for it to work, either. Low- and moderate-intensity work outs, such as walking and an easy or brisk pace, are extremely effective in fighting fatigue[15]
    • If you find yourself lagging by 3pm, try working in a mid-day workout. This can increase productivity and may even help you think more creatively. [16]
  3. Get on a regular sleep cycle. Sleep deprivation is often the culprit when it comes to feeling low-energy. One of the best ways to ensure you get restful sleep is to get in sync with your body's natural sleeping pattern, or circadian rhythm. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day--even on weekends!--to feel the full benefits of a good night's sleep.[6]
    • Going to sleep and waking up at the same time is actually more important than getting the same number of hours of sleep at a different time. [6]
    • If you are getting enough sleep, you should be able to wake up without an alarm. If you rely on the buzz of a clock-radio to get you out of bed, you need to set an earlier bedtime.[6]
  4. Improve your diet by eating foods rich in Omega 3 fatty-acids and magnesium. Maintaining a steady blood-sugar level and getting vital nutrients and vitamins is essential to keeping your energy up.[8]
    • Omega 3 fatty-acids are found in foods like salmon, kale, Brussels sprouts, walnuts, and flaxseed. Omega 3's produce energy for your cells, reduce inflammation, and cognitive reasoning.[17]
    • Magnesium is high in legumes, dark leafy greens, cashews and seeds. Magnesium plays a vital role in energy production--without it, your cells cannot transform fuel into useable energy.[18]
    • Make sure you are consuming enough calories to fuel your daily activities.
    • Try to get vitamins and nutrients from food instead of supplements.
  5. Quit smoking. You may feel a little buzz from the nicotine from a cigarette, but smoking actually makes you feel more lethargic.
    • Smoking damages delicate lung tissue and pollutes your bloodstream with carbon monoxide, making your body less efficient at absorbing oxygen, which is essentially fuel, and delivering it to your muscles (including your brain).[19]
  6. See a doctor. If you can't seem to shake your fatigue, a trip to the doctor may be in order. They can dig deeper to find the root of your low energy and determine if it is a symptom of a larger, more serious medical condition.

Things to Avoid

  1. Stay away from simple sugars found in candy, sodas, and other sweets. These sugars are too quickly absorbed into the blood stream, causing your blood sugar level to spike. Your energy will spike, too, but very briefly. The crash that occurs after consuming simple sugars will leave you with even less energy than before.[20]
    • The yo-yoing of your blood sugar level will leave you craving more energy and nutrition. To keep from crashing, you would have to constantly eat sugary foods with very little nutritional value. This can lead to weight-gain, and the stress of carrying around excess pounds can leave you even more exhausted.[20]
    • Check the ingredients and sugar content of any processed foods you buy. They are often laden with simple sugars.
    • Other common sources of simple sugar are maple syrup, molasses, orange juice, table and brown sugar.
  2. Eliminate energy drinks. These drinks often combine a high amount of caffeine or similar supplements like guarana with an excessive amount of sugar. Even short-term use can cause severe dehydration, high blood pressure, irritability, and even heart palpitations.[21]
    • Regular use can result in vomiting, dizziness, tremors and nausea.[22]
    • If you choose to use an energy drink to stay awake, make sure you know how your body reacts to caffeine. Try to pick one with less sugar and only drink them sparingly.
  3. Break ties with people who stress you out. Feeling stressed-out is a sure way to drain your energy. Being in the presence of some people can cause a physical stress reaction that will zap your energy and may leave you feeling dizzy or tired and may even give you a headache.[3]
    • You can't always control the people around you--you may have an unpleasant teacher or relative you can't escape from--but do your best to associate with positive people or people who make you feel good.
    • When you must interact with people who cause you stress, try taking a deep breath. Remember their attitude is about them, not about you. Keep things as neutral as possible and try avoid being drawn into their drama.[23]

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Sources and Citations

  1. 1.0 1.1
  3. 3.0 3.1
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2
  11. 11.0 11.1
  12. 12.0 12.1
  13. 13.0 13.1
  20. 20.0 20.1