Eat While Breastfeeding

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When starting to breastfeed, you might be wondering whether you should alter your diet. Breastfeeding moms can theoretically eat most things in moderation. Still, you should aim to have a balanced diet with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein. Eating nutritious foods will help you and your baby stay healthy.[1]


Incorporating the Main Food Groups

  1. Eat whole grains. Rice, bread, pasta, and breakfast foods like granola can help keep your energy levels up. Sticking to whole grain sources of carbohydrates gives you extra fiber. This will help your digestive system.[1]
    • Consider making your own muesli for breakfast with bananas, chopped whole oats, granola, dates, and any other items you prefer.[2]
    • You burn calories when you breastfeed.[3] For this reason, it is important to keep your energy levels high with sufficient carbohydrates.
  2. Enjoy your fruits and vegetables. Just like when you were pregnant, incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet is a wise idea. Having five portions of fruits and vegetables daily is a good benchmark. Aim for fruits and vegetables with varying colors to maximize the nutritional benefits.[2] Spinach, kale, and darker lettuces give you needed iron while citrus fruits like oranges or grapefruit provide Vitamin C.[4] Make sure to wash all fruits and vegetables to remove any pesticides that might be on them. Organic vegetables and fruits should have fewer chemicals. The following amounts represent one portion:[5]
    • Half a grapefruit
    • One apple, one banana, or one orange
    • Half an avocado
    • Half a green pepper
    • One full tablespoon of dried fruit
    • Fistful of berries or grapes
    • Two apricots
    • Two plums
    • One slice of pineapple
    • Three full tablespoons of cooked vegetables or beans
    • 150 mL (5 oz.) glass of freshly squeezed orange juice
  3. Add protein to your diet. Protein is very important for your muscular strength and overall health. Seek protein through meat (preferably lean), eggs, and legumes (kidney beans, pinto beans, lentils). Also consider having two servings of fish per week. “Oily” types of fish like salmon are particularly good.[1]
    • Eat fish that are low in mercury.[6] Salmon, trout, shrimp, tilapia, anchovies, perch, oysters, and crab are good options. Avoid grouper, sea bass, mackerel, marlin, shark, and tuna.[7]
    • Oily fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are thought to vital to your baby's brain and eye development. If you don't eat fish, consider taking an omega-3 supplement.
    • Vegetarian mothers run the risk of having a B12 deficiency. Their babies also can have this deficiency, which causes decreased appetite, vomiting, muscular atrophy, and other problems. Talk to your doctor about taking a supplement. Also, you can get B12 through fermented soybean products.[8]
  4. Eat dairy. Although cow milk can cause problems for some babies, having a small amount of low-fat dairy products like yogurt is healthy. Goat milk products also can be a healthy alternative to cow’s milk. If you remove cow’s milk from your diet, your doctor might advise you to take calcium and/or Vitamin D supplements.[1] If your child has an adverse reaction to cow’s milk (ingested through your breast milk), your baby might display these symptoms:[1]
    • Bloating
    • Rash
    • Eczema
    • Changes in excrement
    • Insufficient growth
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Itchy skin
    • Swollen face, lips, eyes
    • Coughing
    • Constipation
  5. Stay hydrated. Although you do not need to drink excess water while breastfeeding, aim to have at least eight 8-oz glasses (about 2 liters) of water or other fluids (apart from alcohol) during the day. While breastfeeding, your body releases the cuddling hormone oxytocin, which causes you to be thirsty.[1] Keep water handy while breastfeeding.[6]
    • Make sure that your urine is pale. If it is dark yellow or smells strange, you should drink more water.[1]
    • Check the chemical levels in your water. Although some tap water is healthy to consume, in other cities it is not. In the U.S., your water supplier must provide you with a copy of a Consumer Confidence Report, which shows what chemicals exist in the water.[9]
    • Consider buying a filter for your water. This can give you peace of mind that your water is safer and often improves taste as well.

Limiting Certain Foods

  1. Limit caffeine intake. Try to keep your caffeine intake under 200 mg per day. This equates one mug (5 oz) of filter coffee, two mugs (10 oz) of instant coffee, or two mugs (10 oz) of tea. Excess caffeine should not hurt your baby but could cause sleeplessness.[1]
    • Non-caffeinated herbal teas like peppermint, camomile, or fennel can be delicious alternatives. You should not drink these too often, though.[1]
    • Remember that caffeine is also present in other food and drink, like sodas and chocolate.
  2. Limit alcohol consumption. Although you now can enjoy a drink now and then, try to drink alcohol only once or twice weekly. Generally, aim for no more than one glass (5 oz.) of wine, one 12 ounce beer, or one shot of liquor per drinking session.[10] More than this amount can harm your child.[1]
    • Your baby ingests alcohol through your breast milk so it is best to feed your baby before drinking rather than directly afterwards. Newborn babies also need feeding more frequently so it could be best to abstain from alcohol for the first six weeks postpartum.
  3. Eat junk food sparingly. Although it is okay to eat a candy bar or a bag of potato chips every now and then, keep those foods for special treats. Your body needs to heal and healthy foods can help make that happen. Similarly, your baby benefits from the food you eat. Strive to make healthy choices accordingly.
    • Although you should limit junk food, you should not limit all foods with fats. Your body needs some fats. Eat dairy products, almonds, or salmon for sources of healthy fats.

Staying Healthy

  1. Take supplements. Breastfeeding mothers should take a Vitamin D supplement containing 600 IU of Vitamin D.[11] If your prenatal vitamin already contains Vitamin D at this level, you can continue taking that supplement. In this case, you do not need extra Vitamin D.[1]
    • Continue to take a multivitamin while breastfeeding.
    • You may be advised to take calcium supplements as well. The recommended amount is 1,000 milligrams (mg) per day.
  2. Do not binge diet. Although you might feel pressure to lose your pregnancy weight, it is unwise to drop pounds too quickly while breastfeeding. In fact, depending on your weight gain during pregnancy, you might need to add 400 – 500 calories/day while breastfeeding.[6] Ask your doctor to be sure. Breastfeeding burns calories and can burn fat that your body stored during pregnancy. A weight loss of 2 lbs. (approximately 1 kg) per week while breastfeeding is healthy.[1]
    • Calorie needs are typically between 2,200 and 2,800 kcal per day, but this depends on your weight and physical activity.
    • dieting can reduce breastmilk volume and effect your ability to nurse your growing baby.
    • Waiting until your six week postpartum check-up to lose any weight is advisable. You will need all your energy for your baby in those first weeks.[12]
  3. Exercise. While breastfeeding, it is important to stay fit and active as well. Although strenuous exercise like marathon training is not right yet, doing pelvic floor exercises can help your body heal. These exercises tone your vagina.[13]


  • Women who eat a special diet (vegetarian, paleo, vegan, etc.) should discuss dietary needs during breastfeeding with their doctor or nutritionist.
  • It is normal to feel hungry all of the time while nursing, so eating more frequent small meals may help. Try to avoid filling up on empty calories by snacking on junk food between meals.


  • Do not smoke or use drugs while breastfeeding.

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