Build a Snow Penguin

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Once you've graduated from building the ubiquitous snowman, it's time to branch out and get truly creative. Penguins are naturally creatures of the snow, so it makes sense to create a penguin from snow and all it takes is some crafty sculpting based on the basic snowman.

This article provides the instructions for modifying a snowman so that the end result resembles a large white penguin. The kids will love helping with this one.


  1. Check the snow condition. It's important to make sure that you have the proper snow for snow sculpture. It needs to be firm but not too icy nor slushy. Test it by rolling into a small ball and seeing how the ball forms and stays together. If it forms easily and stays in shape, the snow is good to use.
  2. Roll a (very) large ball of snow, just as you would for building a snowman. This will form the base of the penguin. When it gets large, it will start to get squared-off on the corners. This is perfectly fine; all imperfections will be fixed later.
  3. Set the large snowball with the flattest side facing up. Now repeat the previous step to create another ball of snow, only make this one about two thirds the size of the first one. Arrange this new snowball on top of the base (careful, it's heavy!).
  4. Make one last snowball for the penguin's head. This one needs to be much smaller than the other two snowballs. In fact, make it about half the size of the second one. It's also important that this one is as round as possible. Place on top to form the penguin's head.
  5. Currently, this structure resembles a traditional snowman. From this step onward, it becomes a penguin. Grab snow and fill the gaps between the snowballs with this snow, smoothing the stack of snow into a continuous, streamlined surface. Continue adding snow to the spaces between the snowballs until they resemble the typical pear-shape of a penguin's body. Kids will enjoy this step as it's easy and rewarding to keep shaping it.
  6. Add the penguin's feet. Gather snow from around the penguin's base and shape it into two large feet. Place the feet sticking out, one to the right and one to the left of the penguin's front. If you're extra motivated, use your fingers or a stick to form indents between the claws so that they resemble webbed feet.
  7. Craft the penguin's wings. Penguins generally keep their wings at their sides, and so will this sculpture. From between the head and the upper-body section, begin to shape a groove that suggests folded wings. Continue to carve out the groove until it is distinct. Pack snow firmly onto the new "wing" area, letting each addition set before adding more. Continue to pack lightly until the wings are visibly separate from the body. Repeat on the other side.
  8. Now create the beak. This step requires the lightest touch and the most patience. Gather snow and shape it into a cone-like structure. Pack it tightly in your hands until it feels solid. Carefully press it to the front-bottom of the penguin's head. Holding it there with one hand (lightly), gather snow with the other to pack it against the head and "glue" it there. It doesn't matter if the extra snow destroys the round shape of the head; that will be fixed. Carefully add more snow until the beak stays firmly attached. Small beaks are recommended because longer beaks tend to break off easily.
    • This step can be made somewhat more solid if a stick is used as the support within the beak. To use a stick, find one of a suitable length for a beak, plus extra length to poke into the head of the penguin. Poke the stick into the penguin's head at beak level, then pack snow around the beak, shaping it into a beak shape as you go.
  9. Gently scoop away some of the excess snow used to cement the beak, and smooth the rest so that the beak flows naturally into the head.
    • Be patient and persistent. The beak is the hardest part of making the snow penguin and it can fall off just when you think you've got it right. Use a very gentle touch when sculpting it and let it set before adding anything else to the head.
    • If the head has become misshapen at this stage, it will need to be rearranged to restore its roundness. More snow can be added if needed.
  10. Make a tail. Make another beak-like structure, but larger, and attach it to the back bottom of the penguin's base. If it's easier, just form the tail direct from the back of the penguin's base on the snow.
  11. Add facial features to your snow penguin. Creativity is encouraged here. Feel free to add accessories such as scarves or hats. Add eyes and eyebrows even.
  12. Take a snapshot of your unique snow sculpture. Congratulations, you've made a snow penguin.
  13. Finished.


  • Have patience when making the beak. It takes time and a light touch and it's liable to fall and break sometimes
  • You can decorate it. Be creative!
  • Make sure your snow is the right kind for snow sculpture.


  • Wear the appropriate amount of clothing for being outdoors in the snow. It's recommended that you use good waterproof but flexible gloves rather than touching snow with your bare hands, to preserve warmth and to prevent frostbite. And a thermos of hot coffee or chocolate can help to keep you warm if the exercise itself isn't doing the trick!

Things You'll Need

  • Snow of the right consistency
  • Stick
  • Eyes (pebbles, round pieces of a meat tray, toy eyes, etc.)
  • Accessories

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