Build an Email Server

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Email administration is what brain surgery is to the medicine profession; it pays well but when you make a mistake the results can be disastrous..

First lets make something very clear, hosting email at your site is a mistake a lot of people have made and lived to regret it. Even a lot of big corporations are hosting their email servers somewhere else where they buy space and expand as needed. Keeping a lot of email specialists around is a foolish waste of money.


  1. Get a dedicated server from a secure and reliable data center. is a great place to start but there are many others.
  2. Buy a copy of Mail Enable Professional. This will give you enough features without breaking the bank. You can get a copy at You can try the software for 60 days before you buy.
  3. Follow the installation instructions that come with the download of the application. Make sure you own the domain name you are going to use, during the installation is the wrong time to stop and decide on this; so be prepared.
  4. Create a csv file with the username's passwords and desired email address. Go this route only if you have more than 100 users. You need this file because we are going to bulk load the users into the system and if you configured everything right.

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