Prevent a Cold Sore from Forming

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Cold sores are small blisters that form on the lips or around the mouth as a result of the herpes simplex virus. The skin around the blisters is typically sore, red and swollen. Once you are infected with the virus, there is no way to completely prevent future cold sores. However, there are some things you can do to reduce the frequency of cold sores. Taking action at first signs of an outbreak could prevent the sore from forming.


Avoiding Triggers

  1. Protect your face from the sun. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can trigger a cold sore outbreak. You can prevent a cold sore from forming by taking precautions before going out in the sun. Wear good quality sunblock on your face each time you go outside. Make sure your lip balm contains SPF 15 or higher as well.
    • Even during the winter, the sun can trigger an outbreak. Be sure to wear sunblock all year round.
    • Tanning beds can also trigger outbreaks. If you're sensitive to the sun, you'll also be sensitive to the UV light used in tanning beds.
  2. Eat a balanced diet. Your immune system can suffer if you aren't getting adequate nutrition. When you aren't watching what you eat, you're more likely to have a cold sore outbreak. Focus on eating a healthy, balanced diet that includes plenty of produce, protein and whole grains.[1]
    • Increase the amount and variety of raw vegetables and fruit that you eat. In particular, consume broccoli, brussel sprouts and cabbage. These vegetables are high in indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which may interfere with the growth of the herpes virus.
    • Decrease the amount of processed meat products, saturated animal fats, white and refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, white flour, alcohol and caffeine that you consume. All of these are known to increase the frequency of cold sores.
    • Avoid foods that have a high amount of arginine. Arginine is an amino acid that serves as a building block for cold sores. Foods high in arginine include chocolate, nuts, seeds, oats, beer and most protein shakes.
  3. Keep your stress level down. When your body is overtaxed, your immune system suffers and the virus is more likely to make itself known. Many people have outbreaks when they're feeling generally run down and stressed out. Take the following measures to keep yourself well rested and calm:[2]
    • Get plenty of sleep. Pulling all-nighters and rushing around all day takes a toll. Do your best to adhere to a sleep schedule that allows you to get seven to eight hours of sleep, so you feel well-rested.
    • Exercise regularly. Exercising is a good stress reliever that can help you calm down during anxious times. It also tires you out in a healthy way so you can sleep better at night.
  4. Protect yourself during flu and cold season. Getting the flu or a cold is a common trigger for cold sores. The winter months can be particularly trying, so pay special attention to your habits when the weather turns cold and illnesses start getting passed around.
    • The best way to keep yourself from getting sick is by washing your hands regularly using soap and warm water. Take special care when you spend time in a public setting, such as the subway or train station.
    • As soon as you start feeling a cold coming on, make sure you're well hydrated and try to get some rest. Avoid staying up to late and drinking alcohol. Sometimes you can stop a cold from taking hold if you catch it soon enough.[3]
  5. Take care of yourself when you're about to menstruate. Menstruation can be a trigger for some women, so it's important to anticipate the problem and head it off each month. As your period approaches, make sure you're getting plenty of sleep, eating well, and staying hydrated. These actions will help to reduce your other menstrual symptoms as well.
  6. Change your toothbrush regularly. The herpes virus can live on your toothbrush, so it's important to change it often. When you develop a cold sore, throw your toothbrush away. When the cold sore goes away, change your toothbrush again. This will prevent you from getting a second outbreak after the first one goes away.[4]

Using Topical Treatments

  1. Recognize the signs that a cold sore is forming. Many cold sore sufferers know that an outbreak is coming before the actual blister appears. The symptoms vary for individual sufferers, so it may take a few outbreaks before you learn what yours are. When you know a cold sore is coming, you can use a treatment to stop it in its tracks.
    • Pay attention to tingling sensations or pain on your lips. The majority of sufferers report a "funny feeling" in the area a few days before the sore develops.
    • If you get a sore throat, swollen glands and fever, you may be about to get a cold sore.
    • Some people experience an increased amount of saliva or drooling before a cold sore forms.
  2. Treat the area with ice. When you feel a cold sore coming on, fill a plastic sandwich bag with ice and wrap a dish towel around it. Apply ice to the area where you feel a cold sore forming for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. Repeat the application every hour. Cold sores require warmth and moisture to develop. Keeping the area cool may prevent the cold sore from forming.[4]
  3. Treat it with a tea bag. Soak a tea bag in hot water and allow it to cool. Apply the bag to your lip for three to five minutes every hour. Tea contains tannic acid, which is believed to possess antiviral properties. Many over-the-counter treatments for cold sores also contain tannic acid.
  4. Try lemon balm cream. Lemon balm is an herb in the mint family that has been shown to prevent cold sores from forming. When you feel the telling tingle of a cold sore coming on, apply a dab of lemon balm cream and let it soak into your skin. Reapply as necessary according to the instructions on the packaging.[5]
    • Lemon balm cream is available in drugstores. If you grow your own lemon balm, try rubbing a fresh leaf over the area.
    • Lemon balm has also been shown to help cold sore outbreaks go away faster. It is safe to apply to open sores.
  5. Use a product containing lysine. Lysine is an amino acid that effectively prevents cold sores from forming. It stops the herpes virus from growing when applied to the skin.[6] It can also be applied to open sores to help them heal more quickly. Look for lysine cream with a 70:1 concentration. You can find lysine cream over-the-counter at drug stores. Apply according to the instructions on the packaging.
  6. Try propolis ointment. Propolis is a resin produced by bees. It contains antioxidants and boosts immune function. Studies show that propolis stops the herpes virus from reproducing. Applying propolis ointment when you feel your skin start to tingle may prevent an outbreak from occurring.[2]
  7. Apply peppermint oil. Peppermint oil is thought to have properties that prevent exposed herpes particles from entering new cells. If you already have a cold sore, applying peppermint oil may help prevent it from spreading to another area on your lips. Peppermint oil may also help the erupted sore heal more quickly.[7]

Trying Medication

  1. Use a medicated cream. Oral herpes can be treated with antiviral cream that prevents the herpes virus from growing. Antiviral creams stop the virus from entering new skin cells. The cream may be applied before or during an outbreak. Use one of the following antiviral creams:[8]
    • Docosanol (Abreva): This is available over-the-counter. Apply according to the instructions on the packaging.
    • Penciclovir (Denavir): This cream is available by prescription only. See a doctor to for a prescription and instructions on how to use it.
  2. Take antiviral medicine. Oral antiviral medicine is an effective preventative treatment for oral herpes. Antiviral medicine may be taken either continuously or at the first sign of outbreak. It is available by prescription only, so make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your options. Antiviral medications include the following:[2]
    • Acyclovir (Zovirax)
    • Famciclovir (Famvir)
    • Valacyclovir (Valtrex)
  3. Get treated for severe infections. If you regularly experience severe outbreaks, you may need special treatment. Some people experience extremely painful, long-lasting cold sores. These can be treated by administering medication intravenously. See a doctor immediately if you have any of the following problems with your cold sores:[9]
    • They prevent you from eating and drinking
    • They don't heal after two or more weeks
    • New outbreaks occur almost continuously

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