Look and Act Like a "Clique" Girl

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Most people think that 'The Clique' is about being popular, but it is about people envying you. Follow these instructions and you will look and act like a 'Clique' Girl in a matter of weeks.


  1. (Looks) Hair. You always have to have cute hair if you want to look like a 'Clique' Girl. Your hair must be something that people will copy. If you have hair you dislike, I have listed ways to fix your hair:
    • Oily hair? Oily hair is not cute. If you have oily hair, then wash your hair frequently, but not every day. Washing your hair everyday can damage it. Use shampoos that say that it prevents oily hair. Also, use conditioner for your hair. Do not apply the conditioner near your scalp as it will make your hair look greasy. After you rinse, comb your hair and apply small amounts of hair lotion or serum.
    • Dry hair? Wash your hair and immediately apply conditioner. Make sure your shampoo is a moisturizing shampoo. Make sure the shampoo has no sulfates. Sulfates cause your hair to dry out quickly. After, apply hair lotion or moisturizing serum.
    • African American hair? Wash your hair and condition. Then blow dry and style to however you like. You must use a flat iron first! Then you may curl or wave your hair, but you do not want the top of your head to be frizzy! Always flat iron first! Just comb your hair and then use the flat iron so that your hair is even. This makes better straightening.
    • Straight hair? After washing and blow drying, you can crimp or curl your hair. This will give you a cute but subtle look.
  2. (Looks) Hygiene. Bad hygiene is one of the gateways to "losership". To avoid this, brush your teeth twice a day (or three times a day) and floss after every meal. You do not want to have stuff between your teeth while you are talking and you definitely do not want bad breath. Also, you need to wash your face at least twice a day to get rid of pimples. Don't forget to wash yourself. If you have odor/sweating problems, wash yourself twice in the morning and then use body wash. After, put on a perfume that smells good, shave armpits if needed, and then apply deodorant. PUT ON LOTION. Being ashy is one of the nastiest things ever!
  3. (Looks) Clothes and Make-up. Clothing is simple. Find something cute that people will copy after a while of wearing it. If needed, iron jeans and blouses for a fresh clean look. If you need help with clothes, look up a list of clothes that are 'in'. If your family is rich (and I mean RICH) then you can wear some of those designer pieces. If your family is middle class, shop at department stores like Topshop, Love Culture, Papaya, Macy's, Kohls, or Gap/Old Navy. If you are on a budget, shop at Sears, Forever 21 (very in-style!) or work with what you have. For make-up, go to MAC or Sephora. They give you free makeovers as long as you buy one of their products. Try to copy the make over they gave you with products you have at home. If you have sensitive skin, use Neutrogena Products.
  4. (Act) Now that you've got the look, you need the attitude. Every 'Clique' Girl has their own way of taking somebody down. You have to be confident and clever. Don't let people take charge of you. Confidence is key!
  5. (Act) Personality is important. If you are weird, then keep your thoughts in your head. JUST DON'T BE NORMAL! NORMAL IS BORING!
  6. (Act) People won't think you're somebody if you don't think that you yourself is somebody. You need to convince people you're amazing. Looking the part will only get you halfway there. Walk the halls with your head held high and ooze confidence. Make a statement that says, "Yes. I am all that and don't mess with me."
  7. (Act) You need comebacks. Comebacks are important. That will show whomever is bothering you that they can't push you around anymore. Just DON'T USE PROFANITY. That is not lady-like in any way. A good way to get comebacks is to write them down and develop creativity. Also, study the dictionary so your comebacks will work better.


  • Don't forget who you really are! ;)
  • Don't become a bully. Only use your comebacks for people who are being mean to you or for people who are picking on somebody else.
  • If you have problems with getting noticed, round up a group of pretty girls and make a clique. They will help you become noticed. You will soon become the 'it' group. EVERYONE will want to be you.
  • Don't be afraid to flirt. Walk by someone you have a crush on and wink or make a cute smile towards them.
  • Stay healthy. Work out for thirty minutes for three times a week. If you are too lazy to do this, find something like dancing or cheerleading that you will easily be working out for an hour and a half a week.
  • If you aren't so sure about this, then do not do this. If you don't want to sacrifice the McDonald's hamburgers you love (yuck...) for healthy salads or turkey sandwiches (YUM!) then this isn't for you. Here are some other things to remember:


  • If you are crushing on a boy, do not approach them with your clique. It makes them feel attacked. If they feel that way, they won't talk to you.
  • If your clique members are having a hard time realizing that you are the alpha, establish ranks. [Alpha, Beta, Charlie, Delta (Only use Charlie and Delta for cliques that are larger than seven)]
  • Do not have your parents find out that you are going to start a clique. They will try to talk you out of it.
  • If you are already a mean girl, then don't change that. Just don't turn into a mean girl though if you start out as a nice person.

Things You'll Need

  • A cool phone. You have to keep in touch with people. Get a Blackberry or an iPhone 5.
  • Cute accessories. Make sure they match your outfit.
  • If you'd like, a boyfriend. Or a crush. Crushes are so much more interesting; they change!

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