Lead a Celebrity Life

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If you're forever gazing at glossy magazines with jealously, and wondering how on earth the stars manage to look so good, this article will show you how!


  1. Look through some magazines and pick out stars that you like. Ask yourself why you like them. What things do they have that you want? Try not to focus so much on the physical features however like blonde hair or blue eyes or tattoos. Some things won't suit you. This article is about what will suit you! This article will use a few well known celebrities as examples: Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton. Although maybe not loved by everyone, people certainly know who they are.
  2. Enhance your looks.Before you can start acting like a celeb, you need to do some primping! You might like to try getting highlights in your hair, dyeing it, and getting it styled or cut. Hair needs to be trimmed every six weeks or so to stay healthy. Go to a hairdresser because if you do it yourself there's a big chance you will mess up, and mainly - would a celeb cut/color/etc their hair themselves? No way! Look through magazines for hairstyles.
    • If you don't usually wear makeup, now is the time to start. Despite what people say, you can wear a full face of makeup without looking skanky. Try to get a foundation and concealer closest to your face tone. Upscale department stores and beauty workers in salons will help you and give you good advice.
    • Clean waxed brows will open up your eyes, which should have either clear, black or brown mascara on them, and a light eyeshadow like beige or taupe. Use an eyeliner pencil on the top of eyes - and only halfway on the bottom. Light pink or clear is great for lips.
  3. Get pedicures and manicures weekly. They make your hands and feet so soft and look amazing. You can do these at home, but if you want a treat, you can always head off to a salon! They tend to do great deals. Most people do a light coat of paint for their fingers and dark for their toes. Dress up nails with stick-on jewels!
  4. Take care of your skin. Facials should be done every week too, and you can do them at home. Cold tea bags are great for puffy eyes. Exfoliating is important as it makes your skin glow by getting rid of dead cells.
  5. Look after your teeth. Brush, floss and whiten your teeth (professionally or with a home product) and pop mints and gum for fresh breath.
    • If you have any problems, it's best to get them fixed early! If you have acne, go to your doctor and see what they recommend. If you want to lose weight, talk to your doctor or parents and try to devise a healthy eating plan. Starving yourself will slow the rate at which your body burns fat. Join a gym - you lose weight and look healthy and toned (like the celebs!), can look at hot boys and socialize.
  6. Maintain good habits. As well as having a healthy diet, try to have some other good habits too like drinking lots of water and getting enough sleep. People wouldn't rave on about these 2 things if they didn't work!
    • Try to take some time to relax and meditate. It's great. You will feel chilled and refreshed.
    • If you smoke, try to limit your amount to only when you socialize or only a certain amount per hour. If you don't smoke, don't lecture either.
    • If you drink alcohol, try not to get super drunk. You lose your inhibitions and end up doing stupid things you will most definitely regret. Stay away from drugs for the same reason.
  7. Buy the right clothes. Celebs have great clothes and you know why that is? It's because they get them for free. Not everyone can, and not everyone can afford a stylist. So just make do with what you've got. When shopping for clothes, try to avoid obvious knockoffs of designer stuff. It looks really tacky.
    • Buy a few girly magazines and Vogue and check out what's hot. Is it girly? Bohemian? Sporty? What are your favorite celebs wearing? There's always more than one trend out, so pick one you like and try buying a few key pieces. They don't have to be designer, they just have to fit you well. If you want to buy designer and can't afford it, start saving. Do odd jobs for your parents, get a real job, etc. Put that money in a piggy bank or a real bank, then splash out on a little designer thing when you have enough. You may not be able to afford a two thousand dollar shirt, but you could afford designer sunglasses/a diary/scarf, etc. You could maybe even start with a designer perfume.
  8. Wear accessories. Accessories really set outfits off. eBay is a great place to find toe rings, bracelets, necklaces, anklets, earrings, sunglasses, big purses, etc., cheaply. So is Amazon. Clamshell phones are hot right now and you could decorate your own with jewels like Paris and other celebs. iPods are still big sellers. Fill yours with popular music. If you have no idea what's hot, try watching music shows on TV, listening to the radio and looking at music websites.
  9. Buy a planner and fill it up as much as you can. First pencil in appointments that you absolutely can't miss out on. Allow time for work, study, family. Then take the leftover time and start making plans! Go to the gym, swim, shop, visit friends, go/throw parties, organize lunch and dinners and hit the clubs! You will meet a ton of interesting people and have great experiences to look back on. Celebs are always out and about, having dinners, attending shows, seeing movies.
    • People will love hanging out with you because your fun and energetic, and more importantly, you'll be hard to get. People love hard to get. It makes them want to impress you more so you'll pay attention to them.
  10. Avoid celebrity oops moments! What really is celebrity oops? Oops as defined by Wikipedia is a small accident. Yet when you add in a celebrity to the mix this Oops is by no means small. In fact, the celebrity status of the individual seems to magnify this small accident. If you have an Oops, would anyone but our immediate 3 F's (friends, family and fools) know? More than likely the answer to that question is no. Yet once a celebrity makes even the smallest of Oops, they are plastered all over media outlets.
  11. Be charitable. Be supportive of third world countries by donating money or getting sponsored to do things like runs. Remember Charity Starts At Home (Use Angelina Jolie's charity work as a good example).


  • Walk with a purpose. Stare straight ahead and stand tall.
  • Try books like the "Gossip Girl" series, Paris Hilton's book and movies like Mean Girls and Jawbreaker to get some awesome tips and an inside look on what it's like to be famous and popular.
  • Never reveal too much about yourself. No one obsesses over celebs they know everything about. No one cares! There is no mystery to them. No fantasy! Have a private email, Myspace, etc.
  • Don't be needy. Don't freak out if your friend hasn't called back and don't text people with things like "I'm bored." If you're bored, you're boring. Also try to avoid messages saying things like " Are you sure you're coming over tomorrow?", "You promise you'll meet me outside of that shop?". It annoys people. Pretend you're too busy for people and you'll find they'll be the ones begging to hang out with you. Take warning: They may instead start ditching you and even become your enemy!


  • Do not be delusional! Don't think everybody is in love with you.
  • Never be mean to others.

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