Make Coffee

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All around the world, people are waking up to the rich aroma of coffee—or they're heading out the door to get that first cup of coffee in them! As coffee drinkers, we're faced with that simple choice: make it or buy it. Buying it has its advantages, but for the price of a couple Ventis at Starbucks, you can have a week or two of gourmet brew, right from your kitchen. This article will show you how..


Using a Standard Coffee Maker

  1. Gather your ingredients. You will need a coffee maker with a clean carafe and filter, a grinder, and a cup.
  2. Grind the beans. Set your grinder to medium (or whatever the machine maker recommends). You can also use pre-ground coffee, though this is not recommended as the beans lose about 60% of aroma after 15 minutes and you lose a significant amount of flavor. Selection of beans is key. Know what country you're getting your beans from, what the climate is like and keynote flavors you should look for in your blend or single original beans.
  3. Place the filter into the brewing basket. Following the instructions for your particular coffee maker, use the right size filter and place in the basket. If it's removable, you can rinse the filter and basket in hot water to remove any paper flavor.
    • There are also reusable gold filters available for many coffee makers. These cut down on paper waste, add no flavor at all to the brew, and are easily cleaned.
  4. Add the grounds. Most coffee makers like to have about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} per cup. Adjust this proportion to taste: stronger coffee means more grounds, lighter coffee means less. If you brew it too strong, you can always add some hot water to your cup.
  5. Fill the reservoir. Use the carafe as a measuring cup by filling it with the appropriate amount of water for the amount of coffee you have used. (Most coffee pots have measurements on the side.)
  6. Turn it on. Press the On or Power button/switch. After a minute or two as the machine pre-heats the water, your coffee should begin brewing. Some machines brew quickly, but others brew slowly. Slow isn't actually all bad though; it gives the end result a more rounded flavor. Play some music or entertain yourself for a few minutes while your coffee is brewing. The coffee is done when you stop hearing bubbling sounds.
  7. Drink up! Pour yourself a cup and add cream and/or sugar if desired.

Using a French Press

  1. Gather your ingredients. You will need a French press (aka press pot), coarse ground coffee, a wooden or plastic spoon, a timer, and cups.
  2. Grind your coffee. For a French press, aim for a coarse grind for even flavor extraction and a fuller-bodied cup of coffee. If you are shopping for a coffee grinder, burr grinders are much preferred over blade grinders for their more consistent grind and the fact they do not create heat to burn the beans further.
  3. Add ground coffee to the carafe. Put the grounds directly into a clean, dry carafe. A good rule of thumb is one tablespoon of grounds for every cup of water. A 4-cup press, then, would get 4 tablespoons of coffee.
  4. Bring the water just to a boil. Pour it into the carafe, moving the stream around to saturate all the coffee, until it's about an inch under the top metal ring.
    • Leaving room at the top allows the grounds to expand, or bloom, and form crema, that foamy topping you usually see on espresso.
  5. Start a timer. The key to a great cup of coffee from a French press is timing. Set your timer for 4 minutes, and when you are done with the previous step, start your timer.
    • At the 1-minute mark, stir the grounds to break down the bloom and distribute the grounds evenly. Top off the carafe with near-boiling water, filling it to the top of the top metal ring. Avoid using a metal spoon, which could lead to accidental breakage. Instead, use a wooden or plastic spoon or stir-stick. Lacquered chopsticks work well for this, too.
  6. Put a lid on it. Place the vented lid and press assembly onto the carafe, making sure the vented portion of the top is aligned with the lip of the carafe.
  7. Press! At the 4-minute bell, gently but firmly press the plunger down to the bottom. This will filter out the grounds, and stop the brewing process.
    • Note: should you forget to stir at the 1 minute mark, you may find this step difficult. Do not force the plunger down, simply pull it back up a bit, then repeat, working your way down. Forcing it could result in breakage, which could result in a real mess—and you will not have even had your first cup of coffee for the day!
  8. Pour and enjoy. Pour what you can into your cup, and pour the rest into a thermal carafe to keep it hot and tasty. Add cream, sugar, and flavorings to taste.

Using a Chemex Brewer

  1. Gather your ingredients. You will need a Chemex brewer, filter, medium-coarse ground coffee, and cups.
  2. Grind the coffee beans. Using a burr grinder, set it for a medium-coarse grind. You will want about 6 tablespoons of ground coffee when finished.
  3. Set and rinse the filter. Place a folded Chemex filter into the cone of the carafe, with the folds toward the spout.
    • Pour hot water through the filter to remove any paper flavor, and preheat the carafe. Let the water drain completely, then pour it out. Keep the filter sealed against the walls of the cone.
  4. Add the coffee grounds. Pour 6 tablespoons of the medium-ground coffee into the filter.
  5. Bloom the grounds. Bring the water just to a boil, and pour only just enough into the filter to saturate the grounds. Move the stream of water around to saturate all the grounds evenly, but avoid pouring too much—you want very little water actually dripping through on the first pour. Let bloom for about 30 seconds.
  6. Fill the cone. Pour water around the cone, breaking down the bloom and saturating all the grounds evenly. Fill the cone till the water's about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} from the top, and let the water filter through the coffee, into the carafe.
  7. The third pour. When you see about an inch of grounds clinging to the sides of the filter, fill the cone again, pouring around the sides to wash off the dry grounds back into the mix, and fill to the top of the cone.
  8. Remove the filter. When the water has filtered through, remove the filter and put it where it can finish draining without making a mess.
  9. Drink up! Serve your coffee, creamed and sweetened and flavored to your tastes. Good morning!

Using a Single Cup Cone

  1. Gather your ingredients. You will need a single-cup cone, matching filter (generally a Melitta #2), a grinder, a waste cup for spillover, and of course, a mug.
  2. Grind the beans. For a single-cup cone, grind your coffee to medium-fine with a burr grinder.
  3. Set and rinse the filter. Place the cone onto the cup. Fold the filter at its seam, and place in the cone. Run hot water over the filter to rinse out any paper flavor and preheat cone and cup. Make sure you drain both completely before brewing the coffee!
  4. Add the coffee grounds. Add about 3 tablespoons of ground coffee to the filter.
  5. Bloom the grounds. Bring the water just to a boil, and pour only just enough into the filter to saturate the grounds. Move the stream of water around to saturate all the grounds evenly, but avoid pouring too much—you want very little water actually dripping through on the first pour. Let bloom for about 30 seconds.
  6. Fill the cone. Pour water around the cone, breaking down the bloom and saturating all the grounds evenly. Fill the cone till the water's just about at the top of the cone, and let the water filter through the coffee, into the cup.
  7. Take your cup of coffee. When it's about full, quickly move the cone from your drinking cup to the waste cup so that it can finish dripping through.

Brewing Espresso

  1. Understand espresso. Espresso is a slightly different beast than your standard drip or filtered preparation methods. It not only requires a specialty machine, it also requires a particular type of coffee blends, grind, and experience with packing the basket correctly. While it's more complex (and will likely result in a few less-than-delicious cups of coffee at first), once you get the hang of it you may never visit that mermaid place again!
  2. Gather your ingredients. You will need an espresso maker with a clean basket and filter, a grinder, a brewing cup, and the proper cup for your finished brew.
  3. Steam your brewing cup. Shocking the freshly-brewed espresso with a cold cup will not do your coffee flavor any favor. You may also wish to preheat your serving cup at this time, too.
  4. Grind the beans. Set your grinder to fine, and if possible, grind directly into the filter and basket. Fill so that it is rounded above the basket.
  5. Level the grounds. Use your finger back and forth in all ways using a sweeping motion to fill the basket-be sure not to lose any espresso and to stay even. Never use your tamper to "fill the empty spaces" because this is a good way to crack your porticup (this is what the basket is called)!
  6. Tamp it down. Place your PortaCup at the edge of the counter so the spout is not on the counter. This is to prevent the spout from breaking off. Using your tamper, apply even, firm pressure on the grounds. Keep your tamper flat so that all the grounds are evenly pressed so that the extraction doesn't have any "hot spots" where the coffee is packed looser than other parts.
  7. Attach the filter to the head. Firmly attach the filter onto the head, and start the machine.
  8. Keep an eye on the brew. It will come out of the spout in one or two thin, creamy tails, and not spurt out. After about 26 to 33 seconds, remove your cup of espresso, and taste it. It may be very bitter, but the end goal is to have the thought "I can have another sip."
    • Make notes when you first get started, so that you can adjust your grind to make the perfect cup every time. If it comes out fast and is too thin, make the grind finer. If it's too thick and takes too long to come out, make the grind coarser next time.
  9. Drink up! Either drink it straight, or with a cube of brown sugar, or however you like your espresso. Here are some quick drink guides:
    • Cappuccino: A single or double shot of espresso topped with one part steamed milk and one part milk foam.
    • Latte: A single or double shot of espresso with steamed milk and a thin layer of foam.
    • Cafe Americano: One or two shots of espresso in a coffee cup, topped off with hot water.
    • Cortado or Gibraltar: A single shot of espresso with 4 ounces of steamed milk (think "mini-latte")
    • Macchiato: A single shot of espresso with a dollop of foamed milk (think "mini-cappuccino")
    • Con panna: A single shot of espresso with a dollop of whipped cream.
    • Mochaccino: A single or double shot of espresso in hot chocolate.
    • Red Eye: A single shot of espresso in hot coffee. A blue eye is 2 shots.

Using a Moka Pot

  1. What it is. A moka pot (Invented by the Italian company, Bialetti), also known as a stovetop espresso maker, does not really make "espresso" in the traditional sense of the word, but it does produce a small amount of very full-bodied, rich coffee.
  2. Gather your ingredients. You will need a stovetop coffee maker with a clean filter, a grinder, and a cup.
  3. Pre-heat your water. You will finish the coffee in the pot, but starting with pre-heated will prevent the coffee pot from getting too hot and scorching the coffee, which will result in a nasty taste (that's the technical term). At the same time, preheat your stove's burner on medium (if electric).
  4. Grind the beans. Set your grinder to medium-fine to medium using a burr grinder.
  5. Fill the bottom of the pot. Fill as full as the pot indicates, for best results.
  6. Fill the filter. Drop the filter into the bottom section of the pot, and fill it with the ground coffee. Level it off with your finger or the handle of a spoon.
  7. Screw on the top section. Re-assemble the stovetop brewer, being careful not to spill either coffee or hot water. Use a towel to avoid burning yourself on the bottom of the pot.
  8. Place the pot on the burner. Make sure the handle is not directly over the heating element, be it gas or electric! Leave the lid open so you can observe the brew in progress, and remove when done.
  9. Remove when done. As the water comes to a boil, coffee will begin to fill the upper section. It will start out dark, then lighten up as the brewing progresses. When the coffee stream becomes pale or blonde, remove the brewer from the stove, and close the lid. Be careful—it will be hot!
  10. Stop the brewing. Place the base in cold water, or wrap with a towel soaked in cold water. This will halt the brewing and keep the coffee sweet and rich.
  11. Serve and enjoy. When the brewing has stopped, serve your coffee as desired. Pour any extra into a thermal carafe to keep it tasting good.

Starting With Good Coffee

  1. Know your beans. Before you pour a drop of hot water into those grounds, you'll want to know what to expect. Start by asking your friendly barista what they use for your favorite brew or theirs. Listen to podcasts like Coffee Uncut or Coffee Geek. Read some books like Coffee Nerd by Ruth Brown or Uncommon Grounds by Mark Pendergrast.Coffee is a huge and ever expanding field and there is always something new to learn.
    • The flavor of the coffee depend on a lot of factors: where the beans were grown, at what elevation, the varietal of coffee tree, and how they are processed, dried, and roasted.
    • When you ask, take notes: the answer could range from Hawaiian Kona to Ethiopian Heirloom to "a can of Maxwell House instant."
    • If it's possible, buy beans from a local roaster, and grind them at home as needed, to ensure the freshest, most flavorful cup of coffee.



  • If you have a sweet tooth, put a bit of chocolate or sugar in with the grinds, it will brew with a sweeter flavor.
  • Doing a pre-run, letting water trough your paper filter (without coffee in it) will wash out particles that could otherwise cause your coffee to taste "sour". This hot water can be used to pre-heat a thermos!
  • For some people, half-and-half and sugar are what makes coffee taste good. If you're not very used to caffeine, you might want to put a bit more half-and-half in, but those who want a harder taste, or those who have good caffeine tolerance might want less. Sugar drastically changes the taste, so put it on slowly, and keep testing the taste, little by little, until it's just right for you.
  • Selection is key. It can make the difference between a legendary cup of coffee and mud.
  • Some stores have more potent beans than others. Experiment with quantity.
  • Coffee grounds can go stale quickly if it is not kept in an airtight container. There are some quality vacuum sealed storage containers available on the web for coffee specifically.
  • Some people brew coffee because of the pleasant, odor-masking aroma. For this, you may want to use sweeter beans. Consider a 100% Irish creme or a 1/2 hazelnut, 1/2 Irish creme. If you really need to mask a huge stench, use a potent espresso brew.


  • Don't randomly pour grinds into your mix. This will lead to instability in the taste of your coffee, and often times a sub-par brew. Experiment, but make note of your proportions.
  • For those of you who wish to double-brew (or pour once-brewed coffee back into the coffee maker to brew again for a strong taste), don't overdo it or your coffee will taste distinctly burnt. In fact, don't do it-if you prefer stronger coffee, do some research and find a blend that you may want to try (like Death Wish, Bitch Slap, MacCallister's or Deadman's Reach are all recommended).
  • There is such a thing as too much coffee. Remember that caffeine is a stimulant to your central nervous system and is categorized as a drug. The highest amount of caffeine recommended in a day is 300 mg-the average 8 oz cup of coffee has 95 mg (espresso has 64 mg). Be cautious of the amount you put into your system daily. Effects are dizziness, stomachaches, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting, heartburn and shakes. You may also experience acid reflux after extended consumption (but we're talking like 6 cups a day every day for like 2 years), and erodes tooth enamel away .

Things You'll Need

  • Coffee brewing device
  • Ground coffee or coffee beans
  • Grinder (burr grinder is best)
  • Paper filters
  • Water (filtered is best)
  • Sugar and milk (optional)
  • Mugs
  • Spoons

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