Make an Arrowhead Friendship Bracelet

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This bracelet, once finished, will have an arrowhead look. Even for beginners, this is a very simple bracelet that looks really cool. Although it is a bit tricky the first couple times, once you get the hang of it, you'll be making these bracelets in no time.


  1. Get your strings. The more strings or "embroidery thread" you have, the thicker your bracelet will be. However, if this is your first time doing the arrowhead bracelet, you'll want to start out with only three so as not to get overwhelmed.
  2. Measure out the strings. Take one of your strings and measure it out. It should be long enough to go from the fingertips of one hand all the way up your arm, past your shoulder and neck, and end at the opposite shoulder. Cut it. Yes, it seems long, but once you start your bracelet, you will quickly discover that it turns out significantly shorter in the end. Once string 1 has been cut, measure out the other 2 strings.
  3. Fold the strings in half. Fold all of the strings in half equally. Tie a knot at the looped end like shown in the picture.
  4. Fasten your threads onto something. Either fasten them under a clipboard, pin them to your trousers using a safety pin, or tape them to a table or desk. This will keep your bracelet in one place and will make it easier to make. Spread out the strings so that the colours are symmetrical on both sides, leaving a wide gap between the two groups of strings. There should be three strings on each side.
  5. Make a "4" shape with the strings. Starting on the left side, take the string furthest to the outside left. Make a "4" shape over the string to the right of that one as shown in the picture.
  6. Tie the knot. Fold string 1 under string 2 and then pull it up, making a knot. Pull until it reaches the large knot you tied in step three. Repeat the knot (every knot should be tied twice).
  7. Repeat with string 1 and string 3. Put string 2 aside and repeat steps five and six with string 1 and string 3. Remember to double-knot!
  8. Tie up the other group of strings. This step is similar to step five, but instead of making a "4" shape with the strings, you'll need to make a backwards "4" shape/ "P" shape, starting with the outermost right string. Then repeat step six and seven.
  9. Tie up the middle strings. Once the two strings of the same colour are in the middle, tie them together using the "4" shape. Remember to tie them twice. This will make the bottom point of the arrow.
  10. Repeat steps 5-9 until your bracelet reaches the desired length.
  11. Finished.



  • Make sure all of your knots are tight so that the design is clear.
  • You should always tie each string twice in a knot so the colors are evident.
  • Don't pull on the thread too hard because they can break.

Things You'll Need

  • Embroidery thread
  • Scissors
  • Safety pin/clipboard/tape (to secure bracelet)

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