Know What Type of Feminine Hygiene Product to Use

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Maybe you're new to this whole menstrual thing, or you'd just like a little refresher course. Either way, every woman needs to know what type of feminine hygiene product to use, and for what situation.


  1. Decide which sanitary ware product best suits you and your needs. While on your period, the most important thing is to keep yourself clean and safe. There are many products you can use to accomplish this. You may decide to use only one type, or mix it up depending on which activities you are doing, the flow level or day/night needs.
  2. Consider tampon use. Tampons are inserted into the vagina to absorb any blood before it leaves your body. They can be applicator or non-applicator; some users prefer applicator (either plastic or cardboard) so they do not have to touch their genitals too much, but non-applicators produce less waste and give more control when inserting.
    • Commercial tampons are made from a mix of rayon and cotton, and may be treated with various chemicals and bleach.[citation needed] If this of concern to you, there are organic tampons available, made purely from cotton and do not contain chemicals or bleach.
    • Tampons prevent vaginal-cleaning, absorb vaginal fluids leading to vaginal damage, and encourage bacterial growth, so in certain conditions, they may affect vaginal health.[citation needed] Some women find that tampons cause cramps or vaginal infections.[citation needed] You can discuss these issues with your health care provider.
    • Incorrect tampon usage is linked with toxic shock syndrome (TSS). Following the product instructions properly should help to avoid this.Tampons need to be changed every 4-6 hours, you need to alternate between tampons and pads, always use lightest absorbency changing to match flow, never use tampons overnight, when not menstruating, during light flow or if you have a vaginal infection.
  3. Consider using sea sponges. These are reusable tampon alternatives made from natural sponge. These are used in the same way as other tampons, only they can be cut to a smaller size and do not contain synthetic materials, chemicals or bleach. They are reusable, so when it comes time to remove, you simply wash off with water and reinsert. After washing, they are cleaned and ready for reuse, just as sanitary as disposable tampons.[citation needed]
    • These carry the same risks as any other tampons, if slightly lessened, so they require the same need to follow precautions.[citation needed]
    • Some women feel uncomfortable with these because they are non-applicator and have no strings, so you need to use your fingers to remove them; while there is nothing dirty about that, a number of women don't feel comfortable having to do this.
    • Each sponge tampon will last about three to six months.[citation needed]
    • Synthetic sponge tampons are also available. These are known as 'soft tampons' and most commonly used for mess-free sex during menstruation. Small and soft, these tampons can sit high enough in the vagina to allow for penetration without mess or damage higher up in the vagina.[citation needed]
    • Some women make their own reusable tampons by using clean strips of cloth or even knitting them. With proper care, these can be just as if not more hygienic than commercial tampons.[citation needed]
  4. Consider Use a Sanitary Napkin (Pad). Pads or sanitary napkins are worn outside your body. They stick to your underwear and come in many different lengths and thicknesses. Pads need to be changed every 4 to 6 hours. It's best to use pads with wings to give a more secure fit. Use the lightest absorbency for your flow just to reduce bulk, then use overnight pads as you sleep to avoid leaking when in bed. Women who use tampons may also prefer to use pads overnight or during light flow, as a back-up to avoid leaking and to alternate between pads and tampons.
    • Commercial pads are made from cotton, synthetics, plastics, chemicals and bleach; these remain the most common option. Be aware that some of these elements may irritate your vulva, as well as causing you to feel sweaty and uncomfortable.[citation needed]
    • Organic or unbleached pads are made from cotton and biodegradable plastics. As well as being better for the environment, they may be softer than other pads and allow for more air to reach the genitals, keeping women dryer and so more comfortable.[citation needed]
  5. Consider using or making your own cloth pads. These are pads made from cloth that normally fasten into your underwear with snap fasteners. They may have extra liners to use when needed, and come in all sorts of different styles, different types of materials, and with all sorts of different patterns. Cloth pads are healthier than disposable pads because they allow more air to your genitals and don't contain chemicals or bleach.[citation needed] This can also mean less odour and far more comfort as they are as soft as your underwear.
    • Cloth pads are environmentally friendly both in cutting down waste and by using environmentally friendly manufacturing; they are also more economic, as although these can be expensive in the long run saves a lot more money because they're reusable, like sea sponges; it may sound gross, but as long as they're washed, they are completely sanitary.
    • Washing them doesn't need to be inconvenient, just pop them in your washing machine with everything else, or if you need to soak them as you would stained underwear, and wash without fabric softener or bleach.
    • As well as many brands of cloth pads being available you can also make your own cloth pads with various patterns and communities available to help you. There are also similar options such as period belts which are long pads that fasten around your waist so they stay closer to the body, or period panties which are underwear with pads built-in so feel and look no different to your normal underwear.
  6. Consider using menstrual cups. This is a soft, little cup that you wear inside you. To insert, you fold, insert and rotate to open; it fits over your cervix and collects the blood. Then remove, clean and reinsert. These are quite popular because there many benefits, with many different brands available in different shapes, sizes, colours and materials.
    • Cups are made from either medical grade silicone, natural gum rubber, or Thermoplastic Elastomer.
    • Although use seems complicated, many women find these easier to use than tampons or pads; for many women, these are far more convenient because they are safer and more hygienic than tampons so can be used longer and during times they'd not be able to use tampons.
    • Menstrual cups can be worn for up to 12 hours, including from light to heavy flow, overnight, during sports including swimming (with nothing showing outside the body), and even before your period.
    • There are no known health risks associated with menstrual cups, many women also report greatly improved vaginal health, lessened flow and lessened cramps.[citation needed]
  7. Cups are environmentally friendly in how they are manufactured, cutting down waste, and they can even be recycled at the end of their life.[citation needed] Being reusable they are more economical than disposables, but as menstrual cups last for up to 10 years and can be bought fairly cheap if you shop around, it means menstrual cups are the most economical product available. Soft-cups have similar benefits to menstrual cups in that they can be worn for up to 12 hours, including from light to heavy flow, overnight, during sports including swimming (with nothing showing outside the body), and even before your period.
    • It is also possible to use a diaphragm as a menstrual cup, which would be a cheap option for women who use diaphragms as contraception (menstrual cups cannot be used as contraception) and these allow for mess-free sex during menstruation.[citation needed]
  8. Consider using Instead Softcups. These are a similar idea to menstrual cups, however they are disposable. Menstrual cups are more bell-shaped, while soft-cups are shaped more like a diaphragm so sit higher up in the vagina. Soft-cups are loved by many women, but just as many women dislike them as they can be difficult to insert, can leak and may be a little messy; many women will switch to menstrual cups as a better option.[citation needed]
    • Like diaphragms, these can be used for mess-free sex during menstruation, although some people can feel soft-cups during sex and again these are not a contraceptive device - many couples use these to help aid conception by keeping sperm close to the cervix. Soft-cups are disposable, but many women reuse a single cup throughout their whole period, so they do work out slightly better for the environment and economically than tampons or pads - even if disposing after use soft-cups are still better for environment and your pocket than disposable tampons or pads.
  9. Know your plans. Different activities call for a different type of product. A day at the pool or beach would obviously call for a tampon or cup, although most pads can't be used cloth pads can, but do you think you'd be comfortable with that? Are you going for a sleepover with your girlfriends? A pad would work just fine. Think about where you're going and who you'll be with, and make your decision.
    • Also take into account your own health needs and preferences. Consider how a particular product will affect your health, comfort and convenience. Also consider the cost and your budget. You may also prefer the organic, eco-friendly options.
  10. Experiment! Part of being a woman is getting to know your own body, and your menstrual cycle is part of that. Sure, you'll make mistakes every once in a while, but you'll learn quickly. Eventually you'll figure out that you like to wear a tampon on a date to the movies, or a pad to sleep. Everyone is different. Most women will stick with whatever product they first used in their teens, so pick wisely in your teens, but also be open to trying new things as for all you know another product may work much better for you.


  • Many women wear a tampon as well as a very thin pad, called a pantyliner, in case of leakage, especially at the beginning or end of a period.
  • Whichever product you're using, keep a stash at school or work (or in your purse, car, etc.) so you don't have to worry about scrambling to find something to use if you forgot to grab extra pads or tampons in the morning, or if you start your period earlier than you were expecting.
  • You may also consider having an extra pair of panties and a pair of jeans in your locker or car (preferably older ones that you won't be heartbroken if they get a stain).
  • Especially when you're trying out a new product, you're going to want to stop by a bathroom pretty often and see if anything needs to be replaced or adjusted to avoid a major leak. Also, don't get too paranoid about it, but it never hurts to take a quick look in a mirror to make sure there isn't a stain showing on your pants.
  • Internal products don't create an odor. If you are worried about chemicals, use menstrual cups. Although they aren't common in stores, you can easily find them online.


  • Blood can have a strong, unpleasant odour if left sit for too long. Be sure to change your pad often, especially on heavy flow days.
  • Take care to wear tampons as advised by the manufacturer.
  • Change your tampon every 4 to 6 hours to avoid TSS and vaginal infections.[citation needed]

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