Seduce the Hottest Boy in the Club

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Are you tired of all your girl friends getting the hottest guys before you do? Or are you just feeling too shy to approach that hot single that's been eye-flirting with you all evening? Read through this article to find out how you can start building confidence and style in order to snag the guy you want.


  1. Guys like a girl who shows that she puts time into her appearance because it displays self-respect. This doesn't mean you have to look like a model or spend hours on your hair and make up, it just means you've got to look after yourself and present yourself in a good way. When going clubbing it's easy to make the mistake of trying to tart yourself up too much, but really you just need to put a little more effort in than your day to day routine, but don't over-do it or dress in too many skimpy clothes. Classy is better than cheap.
    • Start with good hygiene. The last thing you want to be worrying about when you're scoping for guys is whether or not your breath smells! Before you leave for the club, make sure to set aside plenty of time to get ready. Brush your teeth, shower, shave, wash your face, and moisturize. If you have fully pampered yourself, not only will you look good, but you'll feel good about yourself too.
    • Do your makeup. Guys always say they like girls with the "natural look" rather than heavy make up, however for a night out you'll be wanting something a bit more glam than your usual day to day make up. Try out a smokey eye, it's a seductive and sexy look, just don't go too mad with it. You can put on lipstick, but steer clear of lip gloss, men don't want that sticky stuff all over their faces!
    • Do your hair. Do whatever looks good on you, as long as you look like you've put time into your appearance it's fine. Go for something that you're not going to have to keep sorting out, or something that's not going to look rubbish after a couple of hours. Also, don't go for anything too over the top, steer clear of those multicoloured hair extensions or the massive beehive style you saw someone wearing last week, less is more.
    • Dress Well. Choose something that expresses the type of woman that you are, and that flatters your figure rather than something that just shows lots of skin. Guys might look more at the girls in skimpy clothes, but they're more likely to talk to the girls who have dressed with a bit more class. Make sure that you feel good in your outfit, you need to be able to feel confident.
  2. Feel free to drink alcohol. When you get to the club, go ahead and treat yourself to a light alcoholic drink (or, who knows, perhaps a guy will treat you). It might help you loosen up a little and feel more confident. Remember, while you're at the bar, to position yourself so that you have a view of the club. This will make you appear open and social. Drinking in excess is dangerous not only to your health, but to your reputation, so be careful how much you drink throughout the night, it's not attractive to fall off the sidewalk with sick in your hair.
  3. Check out the crowd and choose a target. Is there anyone who's caught your eye already? Or someone who keeps checking you out. Work out who you want to approach, and check out other guys in the club in case this doesn't go to plan. Be ready to take risks, so what if you ask him for a dance and he's not interested? It happens to everyone at some point and it's nothing to worry about, he might be interested in another girl or you just might not be his type.
  4. Eye contact is a great way of getting him to notice you. Don't stare him out just little glances in his direction until you catch his eye. When you catch his eye give him a little smile to show that you're interested and drag your eyes off his. Men find it attractive when a woman smiles at them, and eye contact is one of the most powerful ways of getting someone to like you, so this should work a treat.
    • Once you have his attention you should move closer to him, so that he doesn't have to walk the whole way across the club to talk to you. If he's on the dance floor then go and dance near to him, but where he can still have a clear view of you. If he's sitting down then go at sit in the same area as him, but again where he has a view of you.
  5. If he's already making his way towards you then stay where you are and give him a glance as he walks your way. If he's still not moving, but you think you may be in with a chance then you have a decision to make. You could...
    • ...go over and talk to him. Yes it really does make you feel nervous, but what's the worst that could happen. If he turns you away then you'll probably never see him again anyway, and if he doesn't turn you away then you've bagged yourself a hottie. Just go over and introduce yourself, besides, guys love it when they don't have to make the first move.
    • ...carry on trying to get his attention, and move onto the next cute guy if he doesn't end up coming over. This isn't the best choice, but if you're too shy to approach him then you don't have much choice. Try to get away from your friends for a few minutes, girls are much easier to approach when they're alone.
  6. Once you get talking you need to control your nerves. Don't talk rubbish, use this conversation to get to know him, and for him to get to know you. Bring in a bit of humor when you can to ease the tension and make you seem more laid back. Make sure that you find out if he has a girlfriend before you make a move. If it really is awkward, then you could offer to buy him a drink to break the ice.
  7. Flirt. Run your hand through your hair--once, and only once. This move is tricky because you could come off as obvious or nervous. The best way to execute this move is to do it while you're talking about yourself. As you begin to run your hands through the top of your hair, glance at him and the glance away, but keep talking. Wait a while after this move to flirt anymore, or your trick will be obvious! As soon as the coast is clear, glance at his mouth while he's talking. He'll get the hint. And if this doesn't work, just put yourself out there and ask him out!


  • If he's obviously not single, don't try to flirt with him.
  • If he's not interested in sex, don't pressure him.


  • Some people aren't interested, and you should probably leave them alone.