Feel Better with a Sinus Infection

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When you're suffering from a sinus infection, you may have an aching head, sore throat, and congested nose. These symptoms make it difficult to carry on with your life. However, there are many things that you can do to ease your symptoms, including seeing your doctor for medication when necessary, using home remedies such as a warm compress, and getting some rest. Learn about what to do when you have a sinus infection and start taking steps to feel better.


Getting Help from Your Doctor

  1. Make an appointment with your doctor if symptoms last longer than ten days. If you have a runny or stuffed nose, do not automatically assume it is a sinus infection. Typically, home care of over the counter antihistamines, rest, hydration and cold remedies can be utilized to help your body recover. The unnecessary prescribing of antibiotics is causing bacteria to no longer respond to antibiotics, rendering them ineffective. To avoid this, allow yourself time to rest and recuperate before contacting your doctor. If necessary, your doctor can evaluate your condition and prescribe medicines to help you recover and feel better. Seek help if you experience any of the following symptoms:[1]
    • Sinus congestion that lasts for more than 10 days
    • A fever of 102°F (38.9°C) or higher
    • Symptoms that improve and then worse at or around the 6th day of your illness
  2. Talk to your doctor about taking an over-the-counter (OTC) decongestant. Ask your doctor for recommendations on what over the counter medicines might help to ease your symptoms. Sinus infections are often accompanied by mucus buildup and congestion, medicines that fight these symptoms can help you get relief. These medicines are available in both pill form and as a nasal spray.
    • Popular decongestant pills include phenylephrine (Sudafed PE), pseudoephedrine (Sudafed 12 Hour).[2] Generic versions of these medicines will work just as well as long as they contain the same ingredients.
    • Don't use nasal sprays, such as Afrin, for more than three days unless directed — this can actually increase congestion.[3]
  3. Ask your doctor about taking OTC painkillers to help ease sinus pain. Painkillers (or analgesia) won't usually fight the direct cause of the sinus infection, but they can help with painful aches and sinus pressure. Always follow the directions on the label with these medications — they can be dangerous if taken in very high doses. Don't rely on OTC painkillers for more than about a week and a half without consulting with a doctor.[3]
    • Ibuprofen is an especially good choice because it's also an anti-inflammatory. This means that it can reduce the swelling in the sinus passages, helping to relieve mucus buildup and pressure.
    • Other good OTC painkillers include acetaminophen (paracetamol) and naproxen sodium.
    • Only take recommended dosages of these medications. Overdoing it with these medications can cause serious issues, such as kidney or liver problems.
  4. Discuss allergy medications with your doctor. Sinus infections can have a wide variety of causes. For instance, some sinus infections aren't the result of a disease, but instead a reaction to substances in the air that the sufferer is allergic to. Luckily, there are medicines available to fight allergy symptoms and make you feel better:
    • Most OTC medicines used for allergies belong to a type of drugs called antihistamines. Examples include diphenhydramine (Benadryl), Brompheniramine (Dimetapp), and Loratadine (Claritin).
    • If you have a sinus infection and you haven't ever been tested for allergies, it can be a wise idea to schedule an allergy test with your doctor. This can prevent you from wasting time with solutions that don't work for you.
  5. Ask your doctor about antibiotics for bacterial infections. Antibiotics are a type of medicine that kills harmful bacteria in the body. If your doctor believes that your sinus infection is caused by bacteria, she or he may prescribe you some antibiotics to fight it. Do not take antibiotics that were not prescribed for you and do not take old antibiotics that were prescribed for a different condition.
    • If you are given antibiotics, it is important to follow your doctor's instructions as you use it. Don't stop taking it if you feel better before you're done with the medicine — always take the full course of antibiotics. This can cause the bacteria to adapt to that antibiotic, which will keep it from working in the future.
    • Keep in mind that the use of antibiotics to treat sinus infections is controversial among doctors, so some doctors may not be willing to prescribe them.[4]
  6. Talk to your doctor about prescription steroidal medicines for severe sinus infections. In some cases sinusitis may be severe or chronic in nature, and not due to bacterial infection. In these cases, your doctor may prescribe you a type of medicine administered through nasal spray which includes a corticosteroid. These drugs help fight inflammation in your sinus passages, improving the flow of mucus and relieving pressure.[5]
    • Brands include Nasacort and Flonase.

Using Home Remedies

  1. Drink hot liquids.. Hot liquids help loosen and break down mucus in your sinus packages. This can relieve the painful "pressure" feeling that often comes with sinus infections. Plus, the warm sensation of the liquid can help soothe sore throats and stimulate blood flow for quicker healing. Good choices include:
    • Tea: Many find that honey, ginger, and lemon are especially soothing.[6]
    • Hot chocolate
    • Soup: Something thin like chicken noodle soup is usually best.
    • Hot water on its own or with lemon and/or honey
    • Try to avoid drinks with caffeine in the afternoon or evening as these can make it hard to get to sleep as well as can be dehydrating. A good night's rest is especially important when you're sick.
  2. Apply a warm compress. Using a warm compress on the bridge of your nose. The warmth from the compress will help to make you feel better and it should also make it easier for you to blow your nose.
    • Place a washcloth in a bowl of hot water or place it under hot running water. Be careful not to burn yourself.
    • When the cloth reaches a comfortable temperature, place it across your nose and allow it to sit there until the heat is gone. Recline in a chair or lay down so that the cloth will stay put.
  3. Eat spicy foods. Some foods (generally ones that are spicy or pungent) are great for "opening up" your sinuses. This will lead to mucus production and a runny nose in the short term, but it should help clear your head and reduce your discomfort. Good choices include:
    • Foods with plenty of red/cayenne pepper.
    • Foods with hot sauce (sriracha, etc.) added.
    • Especially "minty" or "cold"-tasting foods like peppermint, spearmint,
    • Horseradish.
  4. Get a humidifier. A humidifier will help to keep the air moist as you sleep, which will help to make you more comfortable. You may also want to consider adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to your humidifier. Doing so has been shown to have decongestant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which should help to clear your sinuses and aid in prevention of a sinus infection.[7]
  5. Suck on lozenges that contain zinc. Sucking on lozenges for a sore throat may also help to you’re your nasal passages and help you feel better. Lozenges that contain zinc may also help to shorten a cold if you start taking them within the first 24 hours of symptoms.[6] Use these lozenges as needed to keep an irritated throat feeling good.
    • Be careful about the number of lozenges you take. While they can provide comfort in small amounts, taking them in large doses or for more than five days can lead to an upset stomach or an unpleasant taste in the mouth.[6]
  6. Stay hydrated. While hydration is always important, it's extra-important when you're feeling sick. Try to keep a bottle of water handy at all times and take sips throughout the day. The more you drink, the better your body will be able to help you fight your infection.
    • In addition, water helps moisten the mucus membranes, lessening congestion and discomfort.[8]
  7. Get enough sleep at night. When you're sick, you should aim to get quality rest — and plenty of it. Sleep is a vital part of your body's natural recovery cycle that can't be ignored. It's your body's time to rest and "repair" itself. When you're not getting enough, it becomes hard for your body to deal with diseases and infections that are affecting your health. If you can, set your normal bedtime back two hours and your wake-up time ahead one (unless you're still going to school or work) to ensure you get lots of rest. If you have a hard time getting to sleep due to your sinus infection, try some of the following strategies:[9]
    • Use a nasal strip to open up your air passages.
    • Take a shower before bed (the steam will help open your sinuses) as well as help relax you.
    • Sleep semi-upright so that mucus drains out of your head. Try to prop up your whole upper body, not just your neck, as this is uncomfortable and can actually close your airway.
    • Use a mentholated medicine (like Vick's,peppermint essential oil, eucalyptus etc.).
  8. Use gentle, soothing tissues for a runny nose. Nothing makes a sinus infection worse than a raw, irritated nose from over-wiping. If your sinus infection is causing a runny nose, invest an extra dollar or two in a box of extra soft tissues. Select a product with lotion or cooling agents built in. These can soothe and moisturize your nose as you wipe, preventing discomfort.
  9. Irrigate your nasal passages with a neti pot. Nasal irrigation is the process of pouring a saline solution into one nostril so that it drains out the other. As it passes through your sinuses, it can help to moisten and clear sinus infections.[10] If desired, you can use nasal irrigation as an occasional method of clearing your sinuses quickly. However, studies suggest that if used too often it can actually be counterproductive, so try to limit your usage to periods of between one and three weeks.[11] See below for instructions:
    • Warm 4-8 oz of distilled or sterilized water on the stove or microwave. It is crucial to use clean water for nasal irrigation — using dirty water can introduce harmful microbes to the sinuses. If in doubt, you can always boil water, then allow it to cool.
    • Add the water to a nasal irrigation pot or bottle. Neti Pot is the most famous brand, but similar alternatives exist.
    • Add premixed saline mixture to water. This is usually sold alongside the pot or bottle itself. Follow the directions on the packet to mix the saline.
    • Irrigate in each nostril, turning your head and allowing the water to drain out of the opposite nostril and into the sink.
  10. Consider herbal supplements. A wide variety of so-called "natural" cures are sold online and in brick and mortar stores for treating sinus infections. These supplements are made from small amounts of herbs and claim to offer relief from painful sinus symptoms without the chemicals in traditional medicines. While some swear by these remedies, there is a general lack of scientific evidence for the effectiveness of most herbal supplements. In addition to this, these remedies aren't usually held to the same standards of quality control as "real" medicines, so use them with caution.
    • You can find herbal supplements online with a quick search engine query. Just a few remedies that are claimed to help with sinus infections are:
      • Eucalyptus (in bathwater)
      • Peppermint oil (in bathwater)
      • Garlic (eaten)
      • Echinacea (in tea)
      • Turmeric (in tea)
    • Be very careful with supplementation as they are not monitored by FDA for purity and efficacy.

Motivating Yourself and Feeling Better

  1. Take a hot shower. A hot shower can help you feel better when you are recovering from a sinus infection. Not only will the steam help open your nasal passages, but the warm water can also help you relax and leave you refreshed for your upcoming day.
  2. Cool puffy eyes. Red, irritated, and puffy eyes often come with a sinus infection. Cool them down to make them feel rested and refreshed. There are several good ways to do this:
    • Drop a few ice cubes in a plastic bag, wrap it in a paper towel, and hold them against your closed eyelids for five to 10 minutes.
  3. Get some sun. Believe it or not, something as simple as the sun's rays can have a major effect on the way you feel. Humans need vitamin D (which is created when the skin takes in sunlight) for a variety of important body processes, including the functioning of the immune system.[12] In addition, sunlight has been found to help fight depression, which can be a big benefit if your sinus infection has left you feeling miserable.[13]
    • As long as it's not overcast, you can usually get sun no matter what it's like outside. If it's winter, sit by a sunny window with a good book. If it's a bit warmer outside, trying sitting on the porch or in the yard, even if you have to bundle up a bit.
  4. Have a massage (or give yourself one). When you're sick with a sinus infection, you often just plain don't feel good. This can carry over to your mood as well. One great way to feel better with a sinus infection is to have someone give you a massage. It's hard to feel bad when you're getting a massage — the gentle pressure relaxes you, elevates your mood, and helps you forget about your symptoms (at least for a moment).
    • You can also try giving yourself a facial massage. This is an especially good option if your sinus infection is causing painful pressure behind your face. To do this, use your fingers to gently press on the spot between your brows just above your nose. Press and rub for about one minute. Next, slowly move your fingers around your face, rubbing as you go. Start at your forehead, then gradually move down to your temples, cheeks, and jawline.


  • Make sure that you see your doctor for a diagnosis and help treating your sinus infection. Sinus infections can become serious without proper treatment.

Sources and Citations

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