Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic

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Hair loss leading to thinning or balding hair can be caused by genetics or hormonal changes. Though male pattern balding is perhaps the most well-known type of gradual hair loss, hair loss affects both men and women. There appears to be no single solution that will reverse this hair loss, but there are several different herbal hair tonics that may help minimize hair loss or slow the speed of hair loss.


Making Herbal Tea to Stimulate Hair Growth

  1. Gather herbs for your tonic. You may find many fresh herbs growing in your garden, in the wild, or in the produce section of your local natural foods store. Dried herbs can be found in the bulk department of many groceries as well. Particular herbs have been shown to benefit people with thinning hair or hair loss.
    • Basil will strengthen hair against breakage, improve the circulation in the hair follicles to stimulate new growth. It has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties as well.[1]
    • Watercress is loaded with zinc, iron and biotin, each of which are beneficial for scalp and hair.
    • Stinging nettle can be used to create a tea rich in nutrients to care for your scalp and hair. Nettle is rich in iron, which improves overall circulation, including blood circulation to the scalp It contains a healthy amount of minerals and vitamins, while also being high in protein. It's best made with freshly harvested nettle, which grows abundantly in the wild.[2]
    • Rosemary has long been used as a hair treatment, both to darken and thicken the hair.[3] Rosemary is healthy for hair follicles, the tiny bulb-shaped appendages embedded in your scalp. By clearing away oily buildup in the scalp (sebum), rosemary promotes new cell growth.[4]
    • Horsetail is an herb that stimulates the scalp, acts both as an antiviral and an anti-allergen. It also contains silica, which will thicken and strengthen the hair.[1]
    • You can easily combine herbs to create your own personal hair tonic, based on your own hair's needs. For example, one tonic for thinning hair uses a mix of horsetail and nettle combined with aloe vera gel and essential oils.[5]
  2. Make a tea from fresh herbs. A tea, or tisane, is simply an infusion of the herb into water. Boiling water extracts the herbal properties most effectively. Strain the herb from the water when finished. A french press or tea pot might be used if you have one readily available.
    • In general, a good ratio of herbs to water is about a half cup of the fresh herb to one cup of boiling water, or a quarter cup of dried herb. This ratio is not exact. It can be adjusted based on the strength of the tea you desire.
    • Steep until the water is room temperature, or overnight. The longer you steep the herbs in the liquid, the stronger your infusion will be.
    • You might also want to add essential oils, such as clary sage, rosemary, or lavender, to the tea.
  3. Lower your head over a basin and pour the tea over your hair. Pour it slowly, while gently massaging your scalp with your free hand. Having your head below your heart will maximize circulation to your scalp.
    • Use a small cup or a cupped palm to repeat the process, filling your palm or the cup with the liquid in the basin.
    • Make sure your head is completely treated by the herbal tea before removing your head from the basin.
  4. Massage the tea into your scalp for 5-10 minutes. Rub gently, being careful not to pull or tug the hair.
    • Massaging will stimulate the hair follicles and skin.
    • Take care to prevent herbal tonic from getting in your eyes. Tilt your head backwards on your shoulders, or keep your eyes closed.
  5. Rinse hair in clean water. Continue to massage gently with your fingers to make sure that all the herbal tincture is removed. Rinse until water flows clear from the hair, showing no evidence of remaining tonic.
    • Continue to treat daily, in addition to your regular hair care. Depending on the variety of herbal tonic you are using, you may notice that your hair doesn't require as much shampooing when you use the herbal tonic.
    • Because this tonic doesn't contain preservative, continue to make it fresh for each use. For a longer-lasting herbal tonic, create an oil infusion.

Using Essential Oils to Treat Hair Loss

  1. Treat hair loss with essential oils. Essential oils are distilled from leaves, stems, flowers, bark, roots, or other elements of plants or herbs. They're often added to neutral, or "carrier" oils such as jojoba, grapeseed, almond or olive oil. Essential oils can help circulation, cleanse the scalp to encourage follicle growth.
    • Unlike water-based treatments, oil is easily absorbed by the skin.
    • Herbal oil treatments for hair loss can be found in many natural food stores or pharmacies.
    • Massaging essential oils into scalp also increases relaxation. One of the causes of hair loss is stress, which releases cortisol around the hair follicles and causes them to deteriorate.[6] Thus, using an herbal essential oil to help care for hair loss will be effective on two fronts!
  2. Make an herbal oil tonic of your own. Simply add 3 to 4 drops of essential oil (or a blend) to a tablespoon of a light-textured carrier oil, such as jojoba, grapeseed, almond or olive oil.
    • Peppermint oil stimulates the scalp, improving hair growth and treating the scalp. It will also help the overall health of the scalp, and increase the ability of the hair follicles to bind to the hair.[3]
    • Mustard oil, combined with a tincture of henna, is an ancient remedy for balding hair. Boil henna leaves together with a few drops of mustard oil, then strain into a clean glass jar. Massage into scalp daily for best results.[7]
    • Other essential oils that have been shown to be effective for treating hair loss include clary sage, lavender, lemongrass, rosemary and white thyme.[8]
  3. Massage oil into hair and scalp. Gently move your fingers over the scalp. This serves to stimulate circulation, and relax the tension of the scalp.
    • Be careful not to pull or tug at the hair.
    • Work the oil into the hair by gently rubbing oil onto the length of the shaft.
  4. Leave oil in for an hour or more. The longer you leave the oil on your scalp and hair, the more benefits you'll be likely to see. For best results, allow oil to remain on your scalp overnight.
    • You may wish to wrap your hair in a warm, dry towel as the oil soaks into the skin and hair. This will prevent oil from getting on your sheets and pillow.
    • During the day, wearing a shower cap will help prevent the hair oil from staining furniture or clothing.
  5. Rinse the remaining oil from your hair and scalp using warm water. Oil that's been used to treat your hair and scalp will have been absorbed by this point. What's left on your hair is excess.
    • Depending on your hair type and consistency. It may be easy to rinse out, or it might take several repetitions with your regular shampoo.
    • If your hair continues to feel oily, wash again using a clarifying shampoo. Clarifying shampoos have been specially formulated to help restore hair to a healthy balance.
    • Follow any shampooing with gentle conditioner.


  • Check for allergic reaction to unfamiliar herbs by doing a skin patch test

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