Attract an Older Girl

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While most couples usually fall within the same age range, some partners are widely separated by age. This is not a bad thing, as long as both partners, particularly the younger one, are mature enough to handle the situation. Sometimes age differences can seem insurmountable, especially if you are a younger guy, looking to ask an older girl out. However, the process of getting an older girl is actually fairly easy, as long as you are willing to put in the time and commitment it takes.


Appearing Like a Mature Man

  1. Clean yourself up. You will want to take regular showers every day. This means scrubbing your body with soap and warm water, making sure to get the particular sweaty areas like underneath your arms. Shampoo your hair, and apply conditioner so that your hair is nice and soft to the touch. An older girl likes a guy that takes care of himself, and presents himself positively towards the world.[1]
    • After you get out of the shower, put some deodorant on. Make sure to use plenty, and rub it in pretty firm. You don't want to have sweat stains when you go talk to an older girl.
    • You can even add some lotion to your hands to make them soft. If your hands are rough, the girl might not want you to touch her.
  2. Decide on a bearded, or shaved look. If you decide you want a beard, that is fine. You will want to make sure you have enough facial hair to qualify as a beard. Small, light hairs around the face are unattractive, especially to older girls. It makes you look like you are going through puberty, rather than being a grown man. Make sure you trim the beard as well. Don't let it grow wild. Use razors and trimmers regularly to clean it up, nice and neat.[2]
    • The shaved look is much easier to maintain. Remember to shave using a razor and shaving cream every morning. Some girls like a little stubble, but you shouldn't grow it past that point. Older girls love a clean shaven man.
    • Don't forget as well to trim elsewhere, besides your face. Take some of that overgrown chest hair off, and maintain the hair between your legs. This shows older girls that you care about your appearance and how you present yourself.
  3. Brush your teeth regularly. Older girls like to know that their guy takes care of himself, and that he wants his breath smelling nice and fresh. Brush your teeth (two minutes) twice a day, once in the morning and at night. Floss after you are done brushing in order to get rid of food stuck between your teeth. Then finish off with a mouthwash that cleans your entire mouth, and leaves it smelling fresh.[3]
    • Keep breath mints or chewing gum around in case you haven't brushed your teeth in a while. This will at least mask the smell, and make your breath minty fresh.
  4. Comb your hair and keep it neat. After you get out of the shower, comb your hair so it doesn't look so messy. If you would like, you can use products out on the market, like styling gels, which allow you to make different hairdos. You want to make yourself look clean cut, and mature about how you look.[4]
    • Remember to get a haircut on a monthly basis. Hair running down your neck and over your ears needs to be trimmed back.
  5. Apply cologne or body spray. You want to spray a tiny amount of your cologne onto "pulse points." These are spots where blood vessels are close to the skin. The blood creates heat, and transfers the fragrance of your cologne very well. These include under your arms, behind your knees, around your neckline, and on your wrists. However, it is very important that you do not put too much on. A lot of cologne can turn an older girl away.[5]
  6. Select a stylish, and fresh wardrobe. A lot of younger boys like to wear football or baseball jerseys. However, many older girls like to see a guy who dresses similar to themselves. If she wears belted shorts with a polo, she might be into the more "preppy" look. If she wears jeans and t-shirts all the time, she might prefer guys who sport a more relaxed look.[6]
    • Make sure all of your clothes are ironed. This shows the older girls that you care about the way you appear to the outside world, and that you care about yourself. You do not want to look as if you just rolled out of bed.
    • Variations on appropriate attire are natural when it comes to individuals. There is no "perfect" wardrobe. Use your best judgement, and try your best. It never hurts to go out and pick up some new shirts/pants at a nearby store if you don't have much in your closet.

Talking With an Older Girl

  1. Act maturely when you flirt with her. If your flirtation is in the early stages simply exchange a smile. Tell her how pretty she looks today, or compliment her on her outfit. Speak specifically about her as a person, about her laugh, her eyes, and any unique mannerisms you pick up on. Never touch her, especially at first. Look her in the eye when you are speaking to her to show your attention is fully on her.[1][7]
  2. Be confident as you talk with her. Stand up straight, and don't slouch. Never think that you can't date her. You have to think positively about your prospects. Older girls detect that level of confidence and are attracted to it. Speak smoothly instead of bumbling over your words. Crack a joke every once in a while that gets her to laugh. Keep a smile on your face, and never frown.[8][9][10]
    • Keep the conversation going. Always have something in the back of your mind to say when she is done speaking. You don't want any awkward silences.
  3. Learn what interests her. Talk about mature topics such as a sports team you belong to, a book you have recently read, or something you know someone her age would find interesting. Ask her where she works, what sports she plays, what college she plans on going to, and where her family is from. These are mature questions, that show that you sincerely care about getting to know her as a person, rather than as a sexual object.[1][7]
  4. Join an activity that she is in. If she is in a debate team, for example, joining the team will get her to notice and consider you. This especially works when the girl knows that it is out of your comfort zone. For example, join the book club she is in, even if you don't like to read that much. This shows that you are willing to work in order to ask her out in the future. You not only care about what you are interested in, but what she likes as well.[9]
  5. Read her body language, not necessarily her words. She can be saying nice things, but her eyes might wander off. You will want to hold her attention by the way you look, the forcefulness of your tone, or your overall endearing personality. If she just doesn't seem that interested, move onto someone else. To be a mature man, you have to understand that older girls know what they want. If she doesn't want to give you her number, or never texts you back, move on respectfully.[8]
    • If her arms are crossed, or her eyes are looking away while you are talking to her, she may not be that into you.
    • Make sure that your body is squared up with her when you talk. You want to show that your focus isn't elsewhere.
  6. Make friends with some of her friends. That way, you don't look like a complete outsider and it makes you look, and feel more connected with the group. If you plan on dating the girl in the future, you will have to at least get used to her friends. If she sees you can't even pretend to get along with them, she is likely not going to be interested. Mature men however usually can create bonds of friendship with her friends. Those friends make her happy and that should make you happy.
  7. Don't be afraid to ask her out. This is a sure way to prove you're more mature than you look and that's a good thing. Besides, dating is a major part of the road to her becoming your girlfriend. Ask her for her phone number first so that you can contact her after school hours. However, always ask her out in person, never by text or call. Older girls do not like guys who feel intimidated in their presence. Set up a clear date a time so that you do not forget.[1]
    • For example, a good way to ask her out is: "Hey [insert name], I was thinking about going to dinner Friday night and wanted to know if you would like to come with?"

Dating an Older Girl

  1. Take her out to a nice restaurant. The classic date is to spend a nice meal together with her. Pick her up in your car and drive her to the restaurant. Open the doors for her. This is a great moment to ask her questions, and have lively conversation. Look at her eyes as you are speaking and listening. Compliment her on that nice dress she is wearing.
    • Do not go out to places like movie theaters until at least your second date. For a first date you aren't looking at each other, and there isn't a chance to talk to one another. When it comes to later dates, movies can be fun experiences and give you guys something to talk about.
    • Bring her some flowers right when you walk up to her at the door. It's a great kick-starter, and will start your date out tremendously.
  2. Begin moves towards physical contact. First dates are usually never times to inquire about sex. However, you should hold her hand, perhaps during dinner, or the car ride back home. An older girl may make the first move herself, but you want to exude confidence. After you get her back home, walk her to her front door. Kiss her on the lips good night. As you are kissing her, move your hand behind her head.[8]
    • A first kiss good night should only last about 5-6 seconds. You do not want to make the situation awkward, or make her feel as if you want more.
    • Do not simply peck her on the lips or cheek. Use a little bit of tongue and show that you feel something for her. She will want more, and will be more open to dates in the future.
  3. Prepare yourself for deeper levels of intimacy. Know that an older girl may be further along sexually, and she may have had more experience in this area than you. Decide upon your level of intimacy as you get to know her better. If you are not ready for further advancement, be upfront about it. If you are willing, go with the flow. Listen to her needs, and feel free to express your desires.[8]
    • Remember that older girls are mature, and will want to practice safe sex. Always have a condom ready in case the moment is right.
    • Open, honest relationships are built on a good sex life. If you can't be happy here, the relationship probably isn't going anywhere.
    • Spend time before and after sex teasing and cuddling. This gets the other partner in the mood, and shows you that you are mature.
  4. Don't stress over the age difference. While the differential will always there, it is best not to stress over it. In the end, age differences do not mean very much. Relax, get to know her, and pursue the relationship like you would any other. Don;t listen to other people who don't understand the relationship you have.[7][10]
  5. Continue to remind your girlfriend you love her. A mature man is there at all points for his girlfriend. That means when she is happy, laughing, and when she is sad, and unstable. Prove to the older girl that you are mature, and won't walk out on her. Continue to buy her flowers, bring her chocolate, and buy her cards. It can be a bit cliche at times, but it actually works. Every day that you are away, make sure you tell her that you love her.



  • Be aware she might be concerned about what her classmates and friends would think of her dating a younger guy. This should not stop you from dating. Be patient if she's hesitant, but remember that it's really not anybody else's business.
  • Don't forget that you have to like your girlfriend's personality. If you like her just because of her looks, you may be disappointed later.
  • Always be yourself! If you try to be someone you're not, she'll see right through you.
  • Attracting an older girl requires the exact same skills as getting a girl your age; you just have to be better at them.
  • Be nice. Use your manners. This will also get you noticed as a mature young man.
  • No matter what age you are, be sure to have healthy hygiene.
  • Start by simply becoming friends with her. This way you can get to know her a bit more first. It's also a great, easier first step.
  • Always act mature or she will lose interest.


  • Don't pretend to be someone you're not, or pretend to like things that you don't. Honesty is important for any relationship.
  • Don't use any lines you might have heard in a movie or other media; that won't work. Just having a conversation with her is best. Get her to feel comfortable around you.
  • Don't let anyone push you around when you're with her, because it makes you look bad.
  • Don't act immaturely in front of her. For example, avoid farting or making crude jokes.
  • If you do join a team she follows, you may want to acquire the skills to do well on that team.

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