Flirt in Seventh Grade

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Do you like someone, but don't know how to show them that? Then you need to learn how to flirt! With a boost of confidence and a little practice, you'll be able to flirt with that special someone in no time.


  1. Remember that every guy is different. Some will respond differently to different ways of flirting. Don't be discouraged if the first try doesn't work, just figure out his quirks and how he likes to flirt.
  2. An easy way to flirt would be the friend-approach. Get comfortable around him, and ask him a friendly question-- anything. Avoid things he may think are boring, like homework or too much about yourself. You don't have to strike up a lengthy conversation on the first try! Just be open, talk to him occasionally about what he's interested in, and ask him about what he likes. Don't know what to talk to him about? Observe what he talks about with others. Observe and stalk are two completely different things.
  3. Get the point across so it doesn't seem like an interview while you are talking to him. Twirl a lock of hair around your finger; give him a flirtatious smile or even a smirk. Tease him with a casual laugh, but don't be harsh or mean-- it's a turn off.
  4. Touch him. Guys respond differently to this, but most of the time they like a playful push every once in a while. Be gentle though, you don't want to hurt him. Brush up against him when you’re talking, but act like you don't notice- show him you're not afraid to get close to guys. But don't be all in his face- just an arm or thigh or something. Guys really don't like it when you touch their faces anyway. Hair is okay, just don't be annoying. When you touch, some guys won't (or act like they don't) notice, others might say something about it.
  5. Be confident!! This can't be stressed enough! No guy wants to know about you feeling fat or ugly-- don't complain about your body around him. If you're embarrassed, shake it off with a laugh. Don't get tongue-tied, let yourself be heard. Hold your head high and keep yourself in good posture.
  6. Don't just focus on one guy, practice your flirts on others!! Let them see you talk or flirt with another guy, and they'll realize they need to try a little harder to keep your attention. Don't just be all over him, go and talk to one of your guy-friends! Guys naturally will want what other guys want/have. Not all of them, but most of them. Just make sure that you don't make him too jealous, because that won't end up well. Also, make sure you don't over flirt with the other guys. This might lead him to think you are into other guys and are using this technique on them.
  7. Don't wear too much makeup! A little subtle eye shadow or mascara is cute, but if you go all out it’s kind of a turn off. Make sure that if you're going to wear eyeliner, you apply it thin. You have to sort of draw on your eyelashes to get that lined look, not a stripe on your eyelid. Find what you're comfortable with and see if it's too much. Remember, being subtle about it is key! Makeup may be fun to play with. But, in 7th grade, you shouldn't be wearing too much. Sure, you would like to impress him, but do not overdo it. A little bit of mascara, a bit of eyeliner, lips gloss, and maybe even a tint of blush, but not so much to make you look "cake-faced". And you don't want to seem like you have to impress him by covering yourself in powders and pinkish blushes.

  8. Enhance you greatest features. If your hips are you greatest feature, put your hands to your waist, so he will glance down by the movement, and notice how "curvy" you are. If your hair is you greatest feature, put your hair up randomly in a conversation to attract him to your hair, or tuck your hair behind your ear. If your eyes are your greatest feature, DO NOT RUB!! Just gently brush underneath your eye. If your legs are the greatest feature, drop your backpack on the floor, or something that will attract his attention. If your shoulders are, put your hand on your shoulder. And if it’s your smile, just simply smile and look into his eyes. The more movement you attract to a certain place, the more he will glance down and look at it. But, be aware that you have to do it, not sneaky so he won't notice, but slightly. DO NOT MAKE IT OBVIOUS!
  9. Twirl your hair, put your foot behind your ankle, smile and laugh, and be nice!
  10. Intelligence is good!! Don’t "dumb" yourself down; it’s a definite turn off! If you try to be perky, dumb, and clueless, like you need help, than he will be turned off. Sound intelligent, have good posture, and stand tall. And if he likes you being dumb and clueless, than he’s not worth it.
  11. Be clean, nice smelling, wear clean clothes (non-wrinkled, clean), wear a decent deodorant and take showers daily. Make sure your hair is clean, your face is washed, and your teeth are brushed! You wouldn't want to smell while talking to your crush! Also, make sure that your breath smells good when you're talking to them. You may want to carry around a breath mint or mint flavored gum in case of emergency
  12. Wash your face daily! You don't want zits all over! Find a good face wash, not too harsh. Unless you have a lot of break outs, then go to a doctor to find out what's right for you, because you are going through puberty, and you have to control it. So find a good face wash for you.
  13. Don't go too fast and be comfortable, don't just walk up to him and ask him to go out with you. First start out with a friendship, and go up from there. But you don't want to be stuck in the friend zone for too long
  14. Play around a little bit! Start a friendly staring contest but laugh and give it up after a little bit. If he smiles and laughs back, you're doing well. If he's wearing a hat, take it off and put it on yourself. He'll notice that you're not afraid to get a little close and that's always a turn-on. But don't make it all intense, just playful and keep smiling to let him know you're just joking around



  • Rub your arm while he is talking, but look into his eyes. Then shyly look down and grin, or smile sweetly. A lot of guys do find this cute.
  • Make eye contact and then sometimes coyly look away with a smile. Let him know you're thinking about him.
  • Always drop hints that you're interested, ex; during classes throw a glance and try to make eye contact. Compliment him on something, but don't throw yourself at him. Just a simple "I like your shirt," will be suitable.
  • Keep yourself well-groomed! Good hygiene is very important. Make sure your breath is minty-fresh, your hair is healthy and smells good, your make-up isn't smeared or fading, you're wearing deodorant, your nails are trimmed and maybe painted, and your legs are smoothly-shaved and there's no stubble!! Guys especially notice the smell of your hair if they're close enough-- get some good shampoo that smells pleasant.
  • Lick and bite your lips occasionally when smiling-- most guys like it and think it's flirty.
  • The hand or arm would be the best place for touching him. Pay attention to body language. If he doesn't seem to like it, get off him.
  • Don't shriek or squeal. There is no guy who thinks it's cute or a turn-on, so just chill.


  • Don't be all over these guys around other girls or his friends because he will get annoyed easily and you don't want to start any drama....that can turn out very bad!!!
  • If your parents are over-protective, then a relationship could end badly. If you can't help yourself, then at least steer clear of your house when walking around with them and hang out with them in a safe place, like school, the movies, or a restaurant.
  • Don't bat your eyelids. It looks kind of stupid, and most guys don't like that.
  • If he says something funny, it's okay to laugh but not too hard...he will think you're crazy and not interesting.
  • Don't feel pressured to do anything you are not ready for.
  • If he asks you out, don’t tell everyone you know, because people will bug him and he might not like you anymore.
  • Also, if you fall in love with him too much, just take a break and hang with your friends.
  • If it's his birthday, then give him something he will like to use a lot.
  • Never put make-up on in the bus. It looks like you're trying too hard, plus you usually mess up while applying it.
  • Don't talk about random or girly things.
  • If your friend is going out with him...just shake it off and don't be jealous.

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