Get a Tour of Pixar Studios

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Pixar tries to tell you that you can't get a tour of their studio, but if you're really determined, then it's possible. Read below if you're interested in tours.


  1. Know that once in a while Pixar holds charity events where they sell tickets and give little tours of the studio. This is mainly meant for younger people, where they have activities set up and stuff like that. When Pixar does hold charity events where they give tours, the tickets sell fast, so make sure you keep a close eye on when they will sell tickets. Keep in mind, that these tickets usually sell for a few hundred dollars, so you better keep saving up!
  2. If you know somebody that works at Pixar, it could be a family or friend, you can get them to give you a tour of the studio. This is the most known way of getting a tour, by knowing somebody. Even if you don't have a close relative or friend that works there, you could still get a tour by knowing a guy, who knows a guy, who's neighbors with a guy, who's friends with a guy, and so on.
  3. Keep in mind that along with the whole 'knowing a guy' thing, Pixar also shows private screenings of their movies a few months before they come to theaters. This is where people that work there can invite a guest to come along and watch the movies. Please note, that if this is the way you'd get a tour, they also sometimes (if you're lucky) give tours if their co workers do bring a guest along with them.
  4. Apply to work there. This isn't the most ideal way of getting in there, but it does work. You obviously have to be qualified to work there, and have taken a few years of school. If you are qualified enough, then Pixar will call you in to have an interview and then you will be able to see quite a bit of the building. Who knows, maybe you'll end up working there.
  5. Enter contests.This isn't very common, but sometimes Pixar does hold contests to either win merchandise, or even tickets to have a tour at the studio. They also sometimes give you a plane ride to where the studio is located if you win.
  6. Go to where they show 'Up coming events' to let people know if they're having either contests, charity events, and much more.
  7. If you are in the area of where Pixar Studios is located, you can always just drive past the building, even the outside is really neat and beautiful!



  • Don't be discouraged if Pixar doesn't call you in for an interview right away, in fact, most Pixar workers had to send in their applications numerous times before even being considered.
  • It will take time. Getting a tour from Pixar isn't something that will just happen overnight, sometimes it could take months, even years to get a tour, so be patient.
  • If you do get a tour, make sure to stop by their cafe. The food there is delicious.


  • If you're in the area of where the studio is located, don't try to sneak in! With all the guards and security, it's pretty much impossible. Not to mention the fact you could even be thrown in prison.
  • If you do know a person that works at Pixar, you can't force them to give you a tour, so don't harass them.

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