Get the Most out of Your Senior Year

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Senior year is almost here! This is the culmination of 13 years of grade school. Time really flies, huh? This, also, may be the last time you see some of the people you practically grew up with. To squeeze out every drop of this year, try these techniques. Hopefully, you can apply some of these steps to college and beyond.


  1. Work hard and make A's, but have FUN! There's bound to be parties happening your senior year, but DON'T go wild. Your grades this year could be the difference between a scholarship or not, or, if your aim is a little lower, between passing and failing. On the other end of spectrum, don't get so wound up and worried about grades that you forget to have fun! This will be one of the more fun years of your life. Remember, the purpose of school is to learn. You can have fun while you learn.
  2. Narrow your college choice down to 2 or 3. Explore which college you like. Find out what that college's application process is like. Visit the campuses.
  3. Meet people. Have no reservations. Try hanging out with different people than the same group you've been with all through school. Move outside your comfort zone from time to time.
  4. Be prepared to take the SAT or ACT if you haven't already. Expand your vocabulary. Ask a guidance counselor or librarian if they have any SAT/ACT prep material.
  5. Stay fit. The proverbial freshman 15 is around the corner! Try some different sports.
  6. Volunteer. Add to your resume as well as your soul! Tutor an underclassman, visit a nursing home, or host a clean-up on your street or around your school. Opportunities are endless. See something that needs to be done, take charge, and do something about it.
  7. Make memories! Take lots of pictures! Maybe make a scrapbook with your closest friends.
  8. Get organized. Take neat notes. Try keeping a planner. You'll be glad you did.
  9. Have no regrets. Practice the Golden Rule. Whoever has the gold makes the rules? No! Treat others as you would like to be treated. You don't want to look back and wish you did things differently, especially when it comes to someone's feelings.
  10. Take a fun elective. Speech and Drama, Teacher Cadet, Art, and Weightlifting are just a few suggestions. Your school may have different choices. Try something new or something that parallels the college major you like most. Dual enrollment classes are great to get you some early college credit. Ask about what is available at your school.
  11. Join at least one club and get involved. Make suggestions. Have fun with it.
  12. Go to prom, and, if you go, DANCE! Have fun with your classmates! If you go, don't just sit at a table the whole night. You will regret not getting out there and letting loose. If you're not the best dancer, search for a How to Dance video, grab a partner for double the fun, and learn. Celebrate your last months of high school!
  13. If you want/need a job, try to go with one that matches a major you like. Make sure you can handle a job with your schedule. If the job hinders your grades, you can try again next semester, next year, or when your schedule opens up more.
  14. Make a list of reachable goals for yourself for this year. Decide what steps you need to take to achieve those goals. Keep up with the list and see how far you've come. You have the ability to reach your full potential!
  15. Lastly, enjoy your last months of high school! Hopefully, you will have an amazing experience!



  • Keep up with deadlines and give yourself plenty of time to finish a task, like writing an admission essay. This will avoid some unnecessary stress.
  • Don't overly stress about grades. If you are struggling, get tutoring in that subject. Ask your teachers what you can do to bring up your grades. They don't want you to fail, especially your senior year. They should be able to come up with suggestions. Ask about extra credit.
  • If your school doesn't have one of the clubs you were hoping for, start one! Get a teacher to sponsor it, gather some members, and together make a mission statement for your new club. Stick with something that's important to you, relevant, and appropriate.
  • This is just a suggestion for the girls: don't spend $1000+ on a prom dress. You will most likely never wear it again and you could probably find one just as beautiful for a better price. If you can think of other occasions to wear the dress, if your parents are willing or you have the money for it, and you have to have it, by all means, buy it. Please, just shop around first. You may not think so, but there are tons of really nice dresses every day in bargain finders, (, on sale after prom season, yard sales, etc.
  • Buy/borrow a scientific calculator for the SAT or ACT test. They are much more helpful than the four function calculator you are supplied with on test day.
  • Don't get so caught up in a relationship that you never make time for your friends and/or family. That is always unhealthy. Remember: balance is key in ALL aspects of life.
    • High school in general puts a lot of pressure on teens to have sex. You do NOT have to lose your virginity on prom night, or any time during high school or ever. It's yours, it's special, and you don't have to do ANYTHING that you're not ready to do, and if you really think about it, you're probably not ready. It's the BEST decision TO WAIT. Think about the consequences of your actions. Do you really want to be a parent at this stage in your life? Think about your future husband or wife. Is that what you'd have them do? It's up to you. Please, decide, especially BEFORE things get too far.
  • Don't get a big head and pick on the underclassmen. That was you only a few years ago and you'll be the freshman on campus next year. Show them the ropes and be kind to them.


  • Don't drink and drive on prom night, or any night for that matter. Don't even get in the car of a drunk driver. Car accidents are the #1 cause of teen deaths in the U.S. Call someone, a taxi, a designated driver, anyone. Make arrangements beforehand of how you will get home.
  • No hazing. Someone could get hurt.

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