Visit a Catholic Mass

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For people who were not raised in a liturgical or religious household of any kind, visiting a church might seem daunting. All are welcome at Catholic Masses, and this should explain a few things that may be off-putting to outside observers.

Catholics call their worship service a “Mass", which comes from the Latin word missa, meaning 'to be sent'. Catholics go to church to be sent out to the world.


  1. Understand that Catholicism differs from other denominations in practice and belief. The service usually contains these things:
    • Two or three readings from the Bible: one or two from the Old Testament and/or from the Epistles (letters of Saint Paul the Apostle), and a passage from the Gospels (stories of Jesus' life). A Responsorial Psalm may also be said or sung in between the first and second reading (Sundays and feast days), or the first reading and Gospel (weekdays and Saturdays Masses that are not anticipatory).
    • Reception of Holy Eucharist
    • Singing of up to four hymns, if a sung Mass
    • Sometimes, some parts or hymns will be in Latin.
    • A sermon, which is sometimes called the Homily
  2. Come a few minutes early. You will feel so much more comfortable if you can park (or better yet, walk) and enter the church five minutes early. Walk in through the main doors, and if you see people picking up a hymnal or leaflet, do the same.
  3. You may see genuflecting (bending on the right knee), or bowing if their knees are bad, in the direction of the altar (the table up front). If you are not Catholic, do not feel awkward about not doing this. Catholics believe God is literally present in the Eucharist, which is kept in the tabernacle, a special cabinet or box that is often placed behind the altar. Genuflecting is simply a sign of deep respect for God and the Eucharist.
  4. Feel free to sit anywhere in the pews. Consider sitting closer to the front, so that you can see what is going on, and also toward one of the sides of the aisles. If you are taking notes (for class for example), you might be more comfortable sitting towards the side.
  5. Look for a board somewhere towards the front that has numbers on it. These numbers refer to the hymn numbers in your hymnal. Feel free to join in with the singing; chances are, the church needs your voice.
  6. In the pews in front of you, you might see several books. There are usually two types of books you will find: hymnals and Missals. Hymnals are somewhat self-explanatory: turn to the right number and sing along. Missals, coming from the word “Mass", contain the "Ordinary" or order of the Mass (i.e., what things are said and in what order, for every Mass no matter where you are) and the propers for the day (readings, prayers, etc. that are specific to that day).
  7. Once the Mass starts, breathe, sit back, and enjoy; this is not a stressful process. All are welcome to kneel, stand, sit, or bow when the congregation does so, but do not feel pressure to do any of these. It is respectful to kneel at the consecration as God is physically entering the room (you would use the respectful gestures for a king or queen, so do the same for the King of the Universe). It is recommended, however, to stand when the congregation stands and sit when they are either sitting or kneeling, to avoid looking out of place.
  8. At one point, the priest usually says, “Let us offer one another a sign of God’s peace.” A typical sign of peace is a light handshake accompanied by the phrase “Peace be with you”. In some countries such as in Asia, a bow or nod is more acceptable form of greeting, as handshaking is not customary during Mass. Handshaking is also discouraged when there is an epidemic.
  9. Prepare for Communion. Communion can be stressful unless you have a plan. Only regularly practicing Catholics who are free of mortal sin may receive Communion. Feel free to simply stay in the pew, but be sure to let communicants pass. If the pews are very narrow, just go to the aisle (hence the recommendation to sit towards the outside pews in your first couple times) and let people through until everyone is back in the pews after Communion.
  10. Appreciate the beauty of the church. After Mass, feel free to look at any of the beautiful statues, paintings, and other artwork inside. These statues and icons are not idols, and Catholics do not pray directly to these. They are instead there to aid people in focusing their prayers to God, or ask a saint for prayers to God. These images and other symbols, which might appear mysterious or even bizarre to first-time visitors, aid Catholics in understanding their faith better. Some Catholics might touch these icons while praying or as sign of reverence, and then make the Cross-Yourself.
  11. Feel free to take a bulletin to read later, and to greet the priest after Mass. Most priests are very friendly and will be glad to shake hands and talk.

Rosary Prayer

Doc:Rosary in English,Rosary in Latin



  • If you are interested in becoming Catholic, contact the parish priest (i.e., the priest assigned to that specific church) and they will usually be able to connect you with other parishioners who will help you find your way.
  • Some icons have candles before them, usually in side altars or in a designated gallery off the main part of the church (to avoid fires). Feel free to light a candle and pray for something such as guidance.
  • Feel free to greet the priest after the Mass if he is standing outside the church. It is always appropriate to call him, "Father", even if you don't know his first or last name. Just thank him and mention that you are visiting. If he talks to you for a while, don't feel pressured to join or do anything; just know that he trying to make you feel welcome.
  • In many English-speaking countries, non-communicants (people who aren't practicing receiving Communion) are welcome to join the Communion queue and receive a blessing. Don't panic, and simply cross your arms in an X over your chest, with your closed fists touching your shoulders. All the priest/Eucharistic minister will do is bless you, with the priest making the sign of the cross over you or on your forehead. There's no need to say anything. This practice, however, is controversial since it is not found in the official rubrics of the Mass. Again, if this makes you uncomfortable, or if you're unsure of the protocol in the parish, feel free to remain in the pew.
  • Try several different churches, and investigate differences in architecture, the attitudes of the people, or other practices. Also, note what stays the same. This can be a very enriching process for an institution with such a long, cultural heritage.
  • In Catholicism, you will find all the truths Jesus intended for his Church and peace in life.
  • Some of you might be lucky enough to go to a Mass in Latin or that features Gregorian chant. In the back of the church, you may find a Missal that will have the Latin text and translations in the local language to help you follow along.


  • DO NOT receive the Eucharist unless you are a baptised, practicing Catholic in a state of grace, preferably after having gone to Confession.

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