Make Cupcakes from Scratch

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Making cupcakes from scratch is so easy that after trying your own, you'll wonder why you only ever bought cupcakes ready-made. Cupcakes made from scratch are fresh, can be flavored in any manner you like and are a whole lot of fun to experiment with. Best of all, they're usually easy and quick to make. While there are many cupcake recipes for you to choose from, this article will explain some basics behind making cupcakes from scratch, to help you master the art of the cupcake quickly.


Choosing and preparing the containers

  1. Begin with the container you want to use. Cupcakes can be baked with or without a paper or foil case/cup. If you wish to bake the cupcake without a case/cup, you'll need a non-stick or silicone cupcake pan that will release the cupcakes with ease without crumbling them.
    • Even if the cupcakes are being baked in cases/cups, placing the cases/cups inside the holes of a muffin pan is an excellent way to keep the shape of the cupcakes during baking.
  2. If baking without cases/cups, prepare the baking pan to prevent sticking. There are several possibilities here:
    • Grease each baking pan hole with butter or oil. Use a pastry brush to distribute the fat evenly.
    • Spray with cooking oil spray.
    • Sprinkle a little flour over the individually greased holes. While optional, this provides added ease of removal over just greasing the holes. Tap the pan upside down to get rid of any excess flour.
  3. Use silicone baking cups. This is the latest innovation in cupcake baking holders, and there are many variations in shapes, including stars, hearts, and squares. These can be very useful when you're making themed cupcakes for a party, or if you're trying to build a cupcake cake. Silicone baking cups are usually available from quality cake supplies retailers. These cups do not require greasing or preparation, but do check what the manufacturer suggests.

Sourcing batter

  1. Choose a cupcake recipe. The easiest way to make batter is to follow a recipe specifically tailored to making cupcakes. There are many excellent cupcake compilations in book form, as well as cupcake baking sections in many cookbooks focused on baking. And the internet is absolutely brimming with cupcake recipes for you to experiment with, including Cupcakes.
    • When making the batter, use proper measuring equipment to ensure accuracy in the amounts of ingredients.
  2. Use a cake batter you like. In this case, you simply shift the batter from your usual large cake pan and pour it in even lots across the cupcake cases/cups. You'll need to adjust the baking time to ensure the cakes don't burn though––most cupcakes take on average around 20 minutes to bake, although this depends on the batter used and the size of cupcake you're baking. You may need to experiment a little to see what works but a good rule is that when the cupcake begins to come away from the edges, it is usually baked.
  3. Change the batter with mix-ins. It is possible to change the flavor of the batter with what are known as "mix-ins". These additions must be small in quantity, otherwise you change the nature of the batter, which may impact the quality, baking time and success of the cupcake. Typical mix-ins include:
    • Flavoring: Use extracts/essences, juice or cocoa powder to change flavor.
    • Sprinkles: These add crunch and flavor to cupcakes.
    • Fruit pulp: A little fruit pulp can change flavor and texture; be careful though, as this can change the whole nature of the cupcake and may spoil it unless the recipe calls for it.
    • Chocolate: A few chocolate chips or grated chocolate can add some delicious flavor.
    • Marshmallows: Chopped marshmallows can be added if you like their flavor and texture.

Transferring batter to the cases or pans

This is something you'll learn to do quickly and efficiently with practice, but it helps to know which method you like using most, so give each one a try to begin with.

  1. Spoon the batter into the cupcake cases/cups. Use a teaspoon or a dessertspoon to transfer the batter from the mixing bowl into each cupcake case/cup. Aim for an even distribution across all of the cupcake holders.
  2. Pipe the batter into the cupcake cases/cups. This involves filling a pastry piping bag with the cupcake batter and piping it into each cupcake case/cup. It is ideal for smaller or miniature cupcakes, where control over the batter is essential (such as to avoid unsightly spills, etc.). This method is the best way if you want to avoid any drips.
    • If you don't have a pastry bag, just use a resealable plastic bag and snip out one corner.
  3. Use a specialized scoop. Some companies manufacture special batter scoops for transferring the batter from the bowl to the cases/cups. It's not really necessary but if you like kitchen gadgets, it might be something you'd like to add to your collection. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for use.

Flavoring and decorating cupcakes

Apart from eating the cupcakes, this part is the most fun!

  1. Vary the flavor of the cupcake simply by changing the icing (frosting) flavor. There is no reason you can't continuously use the same batter for cupcakes (say, plain vanilla) but keep on changing the flavor profile of the cupcakes by continuously changing the icing flavor. Typical flavorings include:
    • Chocolate: Usually sourced from adding cocoa powder; for a coffee variant, a little cold strong black coffee can be used (or combine both chocolate and coffee to make a mocha)
    • Juice: Add drops of citrus juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit, etc.)
    • Make fruit flavored cupcakes. Using fruit pulp, pieces or flavoring extract in cupcakes is a nice way to make the cupcake fruity. Occasionally, it's a very useful way to get rid of overripe fruit. Two of the most common fruity styles of cupcakes are Make Strawberry Cupcakes and Make Banana Cupcakes. Other fruit flavors compatible with cupcakes include orange, lemon, blueberry, and apple.
    • Extract or essence: There are ample flavors available in the form of extract or essence, just choose the ones you like the most. Always add cautiously, then taste and increase the amount if needed.
  2. Choose a topping. Once again, there are many choices, all depending on what you need by way of appearance and texture. A few suggestions include:
    • Plain icing/frosting: Simply flavor standard package icing sugar/confectioners sugar and spread on the cake as usual
    • Glacé/glazed icing: Make richer icing by adding butter to the mixture (along with any flavoring)
    • Butter cream icing/frosting: A deeper and richer form of icing; the texture of this can be used imaginatively to create fur, fleece or hair for animal-themed cupcakes
    • Cream cheese icing/frosting: Very rich and tasty
    • Dusted icing/confectioners sugar: Simple but effective for some cupcakes, looks especially good against chocolate backgrounds and on butterfly cupcakes
    • Glazed fruit: A bit trickier but perhaps good for a more elegant occasion
    • Melted chocolate: Decadent but delicious, white, milk and dark chocolate varieties lend themselves well to this topping
    • Jelly/jam/preserves: A simple but lovely way to decorate cupcakes is to use a cookie cutter to remove a small shape from the top of the cupcake (such as a heart), then refill it with jelly or jam. Finish it off with a dusting of icing/confectioners sugar for an elegant look.
  3. Choose a way to decorate the cupcake. Here, the limit is your imagination but in case that needs a nudge, here are a few suggestions for decorating a cupcake:
    • Simply frosted: Just add the icing/frosting of choice and let it set. Make a swirl if it's icing/frosting that is compatible with this.
    • Top with candies or sweets: This is an easy option but is always effective and encourages fast consumption. And candies can be cut, rolled, turned into facial features, built upon, etc., to make a wide range of interesting designs
    • Add edible flowers: This can make a pretty topping suitable for afternoon tea in the garden
    • Try fruit: If the cupcakes are to be eaten quickly, a halved strawberry or a bunch of berries on the top makes them refreshing and appealing
    • Use sugar art: Whether you're into crafting figurines from sugar paste or you like making toffee lace, sugar can be used in many ways to make a lovely cupcake decoration
    • Add chocolate: Chocolate is always a good standby when in doubt. It can be grated, sprinkled, dotted, blobbed, etc., or you can add intact chocolate pieces for a tempting feature.
  4. Try adding color. A simple decorative element is to color the icing/frosting. This can be to match a flavor, a party theme, or personal preference. Use food coloring suitable to the icing/frosting. Types of colorings include:
    • Liquid coloring: This is a standard form of coloring available from most supermarkets; it only takes a drop or two to spread color and you can always increase it for a more intense color.
    • Gel, powder and paste colorings: These are more sophisticated forms of coloring. They will have a wide variety of different shades to choose from. Pastes tend to be more expensive but are easy to blend and create very good quality colors. They also last longer. Powdered colorings have metallic shades, allowing you to color the cupcakes with golds, silvers, etc.
    • Edible glitter: This is glitter for baked goods and it is much loved by bakers of fairy-themed cupcakes!

Cooling cupcakes

  1. Allow the cupcakes to stand in the pan for a few minutes after baking. If your recipe suggests otherwise, follow its instructions; otherwise, this is a standard rule.
    • The richer and fruitier the cupcake, the more likely the recipe will suggest to let it cool in the pan.
    • Dense mixtures, such as chocolate mud cake, will need about 10 minutes cooling in the pan before moving.
  2. Tip cupcakes top-side up onto the wire cooling rack. Let cool. They can be iced/frosted once cool.

Presenting cupcakes

  1. Decide how you'd like to present the cupcakes. This can be as simple as arranging them on a small plate and helping yourself to them or as elaborate as turning them into a wedding cake. A tiered cake stand is a very popular way of presenting cupcakes, as it looks pretty and it is a good opportunity to show off your well-decorated cupcakes on each level of the stand. Cupcakes can also be arranged in the shape of an animal (such as a bunny for Easter, a caterpillar for a child's party) or they can form a birthday age number or a smiley face; all you need is a large enough plate or background to achieve this.
    • You will find instructions for making a cupcake stand Make a Cupcake Stand.

Basic cupcakes

Typical cupcake styles don't stray far from those of the standard large cakes. The most common ones are explained here.

  1. Make vanilla cupcakes. Vanilla cupcakes might seem plain but they form the basis for many possibilities, making them very useful for your cupcake baking adventures. Using a simple vanilla cupcake, you can add many flavors, decorative features and even shape changes, and nobody will ever think this cupcake is boring. For example, the dainty party treat Bake Butterfly Cakes is often based on vanilla cupcakes.
  2. Make chocolate cupcakes. This is other most common type of cupcake. It has many variations, such as chocolate chip cupcakes, Make Banana and Chocolate Cupcakes and Make Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cupcakes With Chocolate Icing. As with vanilla cupcakes, these can also be turned into butterfly cupcakes and can handle a wide range of different flavorings.

Special cupcakes

As well as the standard cupcakes, there are cupcakes for various needs and interests.

  1. Make gluten free cupcakes. For those unable to tolerate wheat products, there is still a way to enjoy your cupcake. Such cupcakes substitute wheat flour with suitable flour varieties instead; all you need to do is follow the instructions that will work for alternative flours, such as rice. Some suggestions include:
    • Make Gluten Free Cupcakes;
    • Make Gluten Free Carrot Cupcakes; and
    • Make Gluten Free Apple Blueberry Cupcakes.
  2. Make vegan cupcakes. Some people are not able or willing to eat eggs or dairy. In this case, vegan cupcakes are ideal. Egg-free cupcakes are also useful when you've run out of eggs.
  3. Make Jalapeno Cupcakes. Cupcakes don't need to be sweet. They can be made from savory items, such as tomato and basil or sweetcorn and ham. These sorts of cupcakes are suitable for eating with soup or just because you'd prefer a savory cupcake option.
  4. Make alcohol-infused cupcakes. If you really want to spice up the cupcakes, try making cupcakes with alcohol such as Tia Maria, champagne or rum. This can also be a good way to use up the last dregs of the bottle; for example, see Make Vegan Champagne Cupcakes.


  • Cupcakes tend to cook slightly faster in non-stick pans, so keep an eye on them, as you may need to reduce cooking time from that suggested by the recipe.
  • The best placement for cupcakes when baking is in the center of the oven.
  • If using patterned paper cupcake cases/cups, note the colors may fade a little during baking. Check the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Moister cupcakes are achieved by using large-sized eggs.
  • With more experience, you can build cupcakes into animals, figurines, trees, etc. by using icing glue to stack them and a knife to carve shapes.
  • With references to cupcakes dating back as far as the 1700s, the origins of the term "cupcake" may come from original recipes requiring a cupful of flour, butter, sugar, etc. to make the cake. Or, it could be a reference to baking cake inside tea cups, which can withstand high baking temperatures.
  • When baking, don't open the oven too much. It can change the temperature of the interior and interfere with the baking process.
  • Don't forget to preheat.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper/foil cases/cups (from supermarkets, cake supplies retailers, cookware stores, etc.)
  • Cupcake pan (optional)
  • Silicone cupcake cases/cups (optional)
  • Piping tube for icing
  • Display plates
  • Airtight containers for storage and transportation

Related Articles

  • Make an Easy Flower Cupcake

Sources and Citations