Melt Chocolate for Dipping

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Chocolate-dipped fruit, cookies and candies are delicious treats that make any occasion special. The best part is that they are easy to make; just choose your favorite chocolate, melt it, and dip away. This article discusses chocolate melting tips and three easy techniques: melting chocolate using a double boiler, a microwave, or an oven.

  • Prep time: 5 minutes
  • Cooking time: 5 minutes
  • Total time: 10 minutes


Preparing to Melt Chocolate

  1. Pick a chocolate to melt. Apart from the basic types of chocolate - bittersweet, semisweet, milk and white - you can choose to melt chocolate bars, chocolate chips, or discs of special melting chocolate. They can all be melted using the same basic methods. Keep these tips in mind when you're deciding which form of chocolate to buy:
    • Melting chocolate is available at specialty baking and confectionery stores. It's formulated to melt easily and withstand higher temperatures than ordinary chocolate.
    • White chocolate is fussier when it comes to melting, since high heat can cause it to get dry and crumbly.
    • Unsweetened chocolate bars can also be melted for dipping. Sugar may be added to taste after the chocolate has been melted.
  2. Keep chocolate away from water. Even one stray drop of water can cause melting chocolate to seize, or harden, ruining its texture and consistency. Seized chocolate won't melt smoothly, no matter how long you stir it.
    • As soon as you unwrap your chocolate, place it in a dry bowl away from the sink or other water sources.
    • No matter what melting method you choose, be aware that even steam and condensation can cause chocolate to seize.
  3. Melt the chocolate over low heat. Overheating chocolate can also cause it to seize. Overheated chocolate takes on a dry, crumbly appearance. Avoid this outcome by making sure you always melt chocolate slowly using low heat, no matter what melting method you use.
  4. Have vegetable oil. Adding a drop or two of vegetable oil to seized chocolate can sometimes save it from having to be thrown out.
    • Stir a tiny amount of vegetable oil into chocolate that has seized because of the presence of water. If only a small portion of the chocolate has seized, the vegetable oil might help to smooth out the chocolate.
    • Stir a tiny amount of vegetable oil into chocolate that has seized due to overheating. Vegetable oil should help restore moisture to the chocolate.
  5. Get your dipping items ready. Chocolate cools and hardens quickly after it melts, so it is best to have your dipping items to start dipping as soon as the melting process is complete.
    • Make sure the fruit you are using has already been washed and stemmed. Pieces of wet fruit could cause the chocolate to seize; be sure to towel dry strawberries, blueberries and other freshly washed fruit pieces.
    • Line a baking sheet with waxed paper or parchment paper. As you dip fruit and other items, lay them on the sheet. Place it in the refrigerator when you are finished dipping. The chocolate won't stick to the paper once it has cooled and hardened.

Melting Chocolate with a Double Boiler

  1. Set up a double boiler. Double boilers are perfect for melting chocolate because they heat the chocolate indirectly, making it easier to keep the melting temperature low and controlled. Fill the bottom part of a double boiler with a couple of inches of water and set it on the stove.
    • If you don't have a double boiler, you can make one.
      • Find a medium-sized pot and a smaller one that fits inside. The fit does not have to be perfect, but it is easier to control the boiler if the smaller pot is just a few inches smaller than the larger one.
      • Fill the larger pot with a few inches of water. Place the smaller pot inside the larger pot, so the bottom of the smaller pot is submerged in an inch of water. The water should not come close to reaching the brim of either pot.
      • Be careful not to splash water into the smaller pot.
  2. Place the chocolate in the double boiler. Pour your chocolate into the top part of the double boiler.
    • If you are melting chocolate bars, break them up into smaller pieces before putting them in the double boiler. This will help them melt more evenly and quickly.
    • Don't overfill the double boiler. It is better to melt chocolate in small batches, since changes in temperature or exposure to moisture can cause it to seize.
    • Don't cover the double boiler with a lid. The condensation that collects there from the heated water could drip down into the chocolate.
  3. Heat the double boiler over medium-low heat. After a few minutes, the bottom layer of chocolate will begin melting.
  4. Stir the chocolate often. This will help it melt evenly and prevent it from becoming overheated.
    • If the chocolate is melting too quickly or burning, turn down the heat.
    • Continue stirring until the chocolate is entirely melted.
  5. Start dipping. Once the chocolate is melted, you can start dipping fruit, cookies or candies straight into the top of the double boiler.
    • To keep the chocolate melted while you dip, turn the heat down to low and stir the chocolate every few minutes.
    • If you'd rather dip away from the stove, turn off the heat, remove the top part of the double boiler, and set it on the counter before you start dipping.

Melting Chocolate in the Microwave

  1. Place the chocolate in a microwave safe dish. Any plastic, glass or ceramic bowl or mug will work well.
    • Don't overfill the dish. You can always melt a little more chocolate if you need it.
    • If you wish, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil per cup of chocolate pieces. This ensures even melting and helps prevent the chocolate from seizing, but it may affect the taste.
  2. Place the dish in the microwave. Microwave it on medium heat in 30-second bursts.
    • After each 30-second burst, remove the dish from the microwave and stir the chocolate. Be careful, since the dish will get hot.
    • Repeat until the chocolate is entirely melted.
  3. Remove the dish from the microwave and start dipping. It's easiest to dip fruit, cookies and candies directly into the dish, since transferring it to a different dish will cause it to cool faster.

Melting Chocolate in the Oven

  1. Place the chocolate in an oven-safe dish. Spread it evenly in the bottom of the dish to help it melt more quickly.
    • Metal dishes are effective, since they heat through more quickly.
    • If you would like to use a toaster oven, place the chocolate in a smaller dish.
  2. Place the dish in the oven. Set the oven to it's lowest possible temperature, close the door and allow the chocolate to melt.
    • If your oven runs hot, keep the oven door slightly open, so the chocolate does not overheat.
    • If you are using a toaster oven, melt the chocolate using its lowest setting.
  3. Stir the chocolate. Monitor the chocolate's progress as it melts, and be sure to stir often to help it melt more evenly and quickly. Continue until the chocolate is completely melted. It should take about an hour.
  4. Remove the chocolate from the oven. Place it on a table or counter and start dipping.



  • For a glossy, professional-looking chocolate coating, try tempering chocolate.
  • The lighter the chocolate is, the more sensitive it is to high temperatures. Be extra careful when melting milk or white chocolate.
  • Add a few drops of liqueur, peppermint extract, or other flavoring to melted chocolate for a tastier effect.
  • Use melted chocolate for drizzling and dipping. Lay out items on waxed or parchment paper, dip a spoon in the melted chocolate, and use it to create a drizzle effect.


  • If white chocolate does seize, turn down the heat and gently whisk in a teaspoon or so of vegetable shortening or butter until it becomes more liquid.
  • Keep the chocolate dry and over a low heat while melting, or it will seize and become a crumbly mess.

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