Cope With a Heavy Period While on Holiday

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You hope that it won’t happen, but it inevitably does—you get your period on your meticulously-planned getaway. Not only that — it's even heavier than it usually is. Don’t let this inconvenience ruin your trip abroad, to a campsite, or even to the beach or pool.


Strategizing before You Go

  1. Look into different kinds of birth control. If your period tends to be very heavy and you're not yet on birth control, talk to your doctor about your options. Both birth control pills and intrauterine devices (IUDs) can make your periods lighter and reduce cramps.[1]
    • You may also want to talk to your doctor about whether prescriptions pain pills, anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, and/or antibiotics could help with your heavy periods.[2]
  2. Consider skipping your period entirely. Several kinds of birth control — including birth control pills, the patch, and Depo-Provera — allow you to skip your period. If you’re able to plan ahead, consider eliminating the problem entirely.[3]
    • You may also have to deal with breakthrough bleeding, which — because it can come at any time — can be almost as annoying as your actual period.
    • There is another possibility, though it is important to note it is not a contraceptive — tranexamic acid is a pill that can be prescribed to lighten menses. Discuss this option with your doctor, and how to use the pills if heavy bleeding should occur while you are on vacation. Be certain to use a form of birth control in addition to this pill if you are sexually active; again, it will not prevent pregnancy or STDs.
  3. Be prepared for surprises. Even if you’re not scheduled to get your period, consider bringing some supplies. Travel can disrupt your cycle, even if your period is usually super regular, and you don’t want to be caught off guard.[4]
    • By that same token, don’t necessarily start to panic if you are late or even miss a period while traveling. This can be caused by stress, changes in eating or exercising, jet lag, or some combination thereof.[5]
  4. Consider more travel-friendly supplies. Menstrual cups take up less room in your bag, are environmentally friendly, and can be left in for up to twelve hours. Try them out the month before you go to make sure you are comfortable with the process.[4]
    • Conserving space is especially important if you tend to bleed heavily. In addition to painkillers, pads, tampons, or menstrual cups, you might want to see if you can squeeze in a heating pad, vitamin B6, calcium, and magnesium, and iron supplements if you are anemic.[2]

Coping with Your Period at the Beach or Pool

  1. Deal with cramps. You probably already know to take a pain reliever, but you’ll enjoy your time at the beach or pool more if you take extra precautions to avoid cramps.[6]
    • Sit near a bathroom, and use it regularly. This is not just because staying hydrated is so important both in the sun and on your period, but also because not going to the bathroom frequently can exacerbate cramps.
    • Sit with your legs elevated or lie on your stomach — both positions that can alleviate cramps.
    • Limit your intake of caffeine, which can make cramps worse.
  2. Choose tampons or menstrual cups for swimming and other vigorous activities. Don’t think you have to avoid the water. Your tampon or menstrual cup will not fall out, and you will be perfectly safe. There is virtually no way anyone could know that you are getting your period. Moreover, getting in some activity can mitigate your period symptoms, especially if you are experiencing a heavier-than-normal flow.
    • The same goes for volleyball, badminton, or whatever other activities are happening. Feel confident joining in!
  3. Avoid the water while wearing a pad. If you absolutely cannot stand tampons or menstrual cups, you can wear a pad to the beach or pool — as long as you’re willing to stay out of the water. Look for a very thin one without wings, and be extra safe by wearing shorts or a sarong over your swimsuit.
  4. Choose sunscreen wisely. You already know that it is imperative to wear sunscreen every day, and to up your coverage when you are at the beach or pool. But being on your period brings other considerations into play.
    • Since many women break out during their periods, make sure you are using a sunscreen that will not make this worse.
    • Look for products with labels like “oil-free,” “non-comedogenic,” “won’t clog pores,” or “breakout-free.”
    • Remember that even skin-friendly products can lead to breakouts if you are not washing your face regularly, which is especially important when you are both on your period and exposed to lots of different elements.

Coping with your Period While Hiking or Camping

  1. Choose your materials wisely. Consider tampons or a menstrual cup while hiking or camping. They’ll take up less space in your backpack, and they’re a better bet than pads if you’re worried about attracting bears. Since bears are attracted to scents, make sure you choose unscented products![7]
  2. Leave space in your backpack for supplies. In addition to pads, tampons, or other materials, you’ll need some or all of the following: painkillers, extra bottled water, tissues or toilet paper, and tons of Ziploc bags. All of this will take up space in your backpack, so you might have to get rid of something you normally bring.[7]
  3. Stay clean and fresh. Since you often won’t have access to bathroom facilities, bring unscented hand and/or body wipes, and keep antibacterial gel handy. These items can be helpful for all hikers and campers, but you’ll find them especially useful when you have your period.[7]
  4. Dispose of used pads and tampons safely. Wrap them in tissues or toilet paper, put them inside of a Ziploc bag, and then put the bag into a Bear Canister (obviously a different one than you are using for your food.)[7]
    • If you are using a menstrual cup, you will need to bring extra bottled water so that you can rinse it out safely. Never rinse it out in rivers, streams, or other bodies of water.
  5. Stay hydrated. Again, this goes for all hikers and campers, but it is especially important when you are on your period.[7]

Coping with Your Period in a Foreign Country

  1. Think about how much you will need, and pack accordingly. Don’t assume that you will be able to find extra supplies on your trip, especially if you are heading off the beaten track. You will almost certainly not be able to find the specific brands and products that you like to use. Even if you do, you do not want to interrupt sightseeing just to find them.[8]
  2. Bring plastic bags, tissues or toilet paper, sanitary wipes, and hand sanitizer. Of course, you should never flush pads or tampons, but you may find yourself in an area where you cannot flush anything. Since waste disposal practices vary among cultures, there also may not be trashcans in bathrooms. You will need to be prepared to hold on to your materials until you get back to where you are staying. Wrap your used pads or tampons in tissues or toilet paper, store them in a Ziploc bag, store the bag in your purse or backpack, and clean your hands.[9]
    • When you do have access to toilets, take advantage of them, but depending on where you are going, don’t necessarily expect to find them regularly.[4]
    • If you are using a menstrual cup, make sure you have an adequate supply of clean (bottled) water with you to rinse it out.
  3. Focus on comfort. Getting your period while on vacation is not only inconvenient — between cramps, bloating, and other issues — it can also be uncomfortable. But you don’t want to miss out on the fun, and being active can actually alleviate some of these symptoms. So ditch the tight jeans, and revel in the comfort of yoga pants, soft t-shirts, and knit dresses.[8]
  4. Go sightseeing. As much as you might want to stay in your hotel room, physical activity can alleviate the symptoms of a heavy period. Go for a long walk that takes you past as many landmarks as possible.[1]
  5. Use your period as an excuse to experience local cuisine. Healthy snacks can also alleviate some of your period symptoms. Seek out local produce and other healthy foods that you wouldn’t be able to get at home.[8]
    • While there is no evidence that food can reduce bleeding, many women find that following a healthy diet can make heavy bleeding easier to deal with.[1]
    • Since very heavy bleeding can lead to anemia, seek out iron-rich foods like meat, legumes, leafy greens, and whole grains.[1]


  • If you do not have an allergy to ibuprofen (or other medical reasons to avoid it), taking ibuprofen regularly while on your menses can reduce your bleeding.
  • If you are on birth control pills, be alert when crossing time zones. 9:00 your time will not be 9:00 where you are traveling, but your body doesn’t know that. Use a time zone calculator, keep a watch set to your local time, or slowly adjust the time at which you take your daily dose (no more than one or two hours per day, never going more than twenty-four hours between pills).[10]
  • Make sure you always protect birth control (and other medications) from heat and humidity, which can affect their efficacy.[10]


  • Never leave tampons in for more than eight hours, which can lead to Toxic Shock Syndrome.

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